Monday 20 February 2017

Forex Trading Für Einsteiger Bangla Zeitung

Candlestick Charting Explained - Einführung in Candlestick-Analyse Eine Einführung in Candlesticks Es gibt zwei Arten von Möglichkeiten zur Analyse der Preis für eine Aktie, Fundamentalanalyse und technische Analyse. Fundamentalanalyse wird verwendet, um den Kurs einer Aktie, basierend auf den fundamentalen Attributen der Aktie, wie Preis-Gewinn-Verhältnis, Return on Invest und zugehörige Wirtschaftsstatistiken zu messen. Die technische Analyse beschäftigt sich mehr mit der psychologischen Komponente des Aktienhandels und wird zum größten Teil vom Emotionalismus beeinflusst. Der technische Analytiker sucht, die Frage quothow zu beantworten, sind andere Händler, die diesen Vorrat sehen und wie wird dieser Effekt den Preis in der unmittelbaren futurequot. Wie Sie sehen werden, ist das Candlestick-Diagramm der effektivste Weg, um die Gefühle anderer Händler zu beurteilen. Die Geschichte der Candlestick-Charts Die Japaner waren die ersten, die technische Analyse verwenden, um einen der weltweit ersten Reis-Futures-Märkte im 16. Jahrhundert zu handeln. Ein japanischer Mann mit dem Namen Homma, der die Futures-Märkte im 17. Jahrhundert handelte, entdeckte, dass, obwohl es eine Verbindung zwischen Angebot und Nachfrage des Reises gab, die Märkte auch stark von den Emotionen der Händler beeinflusst wurden. Homma erkannte, dass er vom Verständnis der Emotionen profitieren könnte, um die zukünftigen Preise vorherzusagen. Er verstand, dass es einen großen Unterschied zwischen Wert und Preis von Reis geben könnte. Dieser Unterschied zwischen Wert und Preis ist heute gültig mit Beständen, wie es mit Reis in Japan vor Jahrhunderten war. Die von Homma etablierten Prinzipien zur Messung von Marktgefühlen in einer Aktie bilden die Grundlage für die Candlestick Chart-Analyse, die wir in diesem Seminar vorstellen werden. Japanische Kerzenständer vs Western Bar Chart Die westlichen Balkendiagramm besteht aus vier Teilen Komponenten, offen, hoch, niedrig und schließen. Der vertikale Balken zeigt die Höhe und die Tiefe der Sitzung an, während die linke horizontale Linie die offene und die rechte horizontale Linie den Abschluss darstellt. Abbildung 1 Die japanische Candlestick-Linie (Abbildung 2) verwendet dieselben Daten (offen, hoch, niedrig und geschlossen), um eine viel visuellere Grafik zu erzeugen, um darzustellen, was mit dem Bestand passiert. Der dicke Teil der Leuchterlinie heißt der eigentliche Körper. Es repräsentiert den Bereich zwischen den Eröffnungs - und Schlusskursen der session8217s. Wenn der reale Körper rot ist, bedeutet dies, dass das Schließen der Sitzung niedriger war als das Öffnen. Wenn der reale Körper grün ist, bedeutet dies, dass das Schließen höher war als das Öffnen. Die Linien über und unter dem Körper sind die Schatten. Die Schatten stellen die Session8217s Preis Extreme. Der Schatten über dem wirklichen Körper wird der obere Schatten genannt und der Schatten unter dem wirklichen Körper wird der untere Schatten genannt. Die Oberseite des oberen Schattens ist die Höhe des Tages, und die Unterseite des unteren Schattens ist das Tief des Tages. Abbildung 2 Einer der Hauptunterschiede zwischen der Western Line und der japanischen Candlestick-Linie ist das Verhältnis zwischen offenen und geschlossenen Preisen. Der Westler legt größten Wert auf den Schlusskurs einer Aktie im Verhältnis zu den vorangegangenen Perioden. Die Japaner legen die größte Bedeutung für die Nähe, da sie sich auf die offenen des gleichen Tages bezieht. Sie können sehen, warum die Candlestick-Linie und ihre hochgrafische Darstellung der offenen engen Beziehung ist ein solches unentbehrliches Werkzeug für den japanischen Händler. Um den Unterschied zu veranschaulichen, vergleichen Sie die Tageskarte mit den westlichen Linien (Abbildung 3) mit dem exakt gleichen Diagramm, das mit japanischen Candlestick-Linien gezeichnet ist (Abbildung 4). In der westlichen Balkendiagramm wie mit dem japanischen Candlestick-Diagramm, ist es leicht, die allgemeine Tendenz der Aktie zu interpretieren, aber beachten Sie, wie viel einfacher es ist, zu interpretieren Veränderung der Stimmung auf einer täglichen Basis durch Betrachten der Veränderung der realen Körperfarbe Im japanischen Candlestick-Diagramm. Traders Sentiment Einer der größten Werte des Candlestick-Charts ist die Fähigkeit, Marktstimmung in Bezug auf eine Aktie zu lesen. Zur Veranschaulichung betrachten Sie das folgende Beispiel für eine Aktie gehandelt aus den Augen eines westlichen Chart Trader und dann aus den Augen eines Candlestick Chart Trader. Western Chart Trader Am Ende der Tage-Sitzung beobachten Sie, dass die Aktie deutlich über Ihrem Einstiegspreis (2) schloss, was Sie sehr zufrieden mit Ihrem Handel lässt. Nach dem Ende von Tag 2 öffnen Sie den Finanzteil des Papiers und kontrollieren den Schlusskurs der Aktie und beobachten, dass nicht nur Ihr Bestand weit über dem Einstiegspreis liegt, sondern auch leicht angestiegen ist (es ist erwähnenswert, dass die meisten westlichen Papiere veröffentlichen nur die Schlusskurse, während die japanischen Papiere sowohl Eröffnungs - als auch Schlusskurse veröffentlichen). Am Tag 3 öffnen Sie und die Zeitung, um den Abschluss zu überprüfen und eine leichte Dip in Ihre Aktien Preis, aber Sie nicht in Panik, weil Sie immer noch gut in das Geld. Sie überzeugen sich, dass sich die Aktie nur geringfügig gegenüber dem Einstiegstage (Tag 1) abgesetzt hat und am nächsten Tag wieder aufholen sollte. Am Tag 4 überprüfen Sie die Schließung und bemerken, dass die Aktie im Vergleich zu den vorherigen Tagen deutlich gesunken ist. Sie sind nun besorgt über den Schutz der Gewinne, die Sie zuvor prahlten nur wenige Tage zuvor. Am Anfang des Tages 6, rufen Sie Ihren Broker (oder Anmeldung auf Ihrem Online-Handelskonto) und eine Marktordnung, um bei der ersten Gelegenheit zu verkaufen. Am Tag der 5 Märkte öffnen sich die Aktien stark und sinken weiter. Ihre Bestellung wird zu einem Preis mehrere Punkte unterhalb, wo Sie eingegeben ausgeführt. Dann ziehen Sie den Handel als unvorhersehbares Unglück ab und gehen zum nächsten Handel. Candlestick Chart Trader Nun nehmen Sie an, Sie sind ein Candlestick Chart Trader Trading den gleichen Bestand mit einem Candlestick-Diagramm (Abbildung 6). Am Anfang von Tag 1 geben Sie die Aktie auf Basis eines Candlestick-Muster-Eintrittssignals ein (im Folgenden werden wir die richtigen Eintragungen im Detail besprechen). Am Ende der Tage-Sitzung beobachtet man, dass die Aktie gut über Ihrem Einstiegspreis (2) liegt, was Sie sehr zufrieden mit Ihrem Handel lässt, aber auch Sie in einen Zustand der Vorsicht für Anzeichen einer Trend - oder Trendumkehr versetzt. Nach dem Ende von Tag 2 beobachten Sie den Leuchter, der für den Tag gebildet wird und bemerken, dass der wirkliche Körper klein ist, der anzeigt, dass es ein Tauziehen zwischen den Bären und den Stieren gab. Sie beobachten auch, dass der wirkliche Körper in Farbe gelesen wird, die darauf hinweist, dass die Aktie unter dem offenen offen ließ, dass die Bullen tatsächlich das Tauziehen der Bären verloren haben. Basierend auf diesen Beobachtungen folgern Sie, dass die zinsbullische Rally in der Aktie eingestellt hat, und die zinsbullische Stimmung des Marktes in Bezug auf die Aktie verändert sich. Sie haben beschlossen, Ihre Position an den Tagen in der Nähe zu verkaufen, oder am Markt geöffnet am nächsten Tag, um Ihren Gewinn zu sperren. Wenn dies eine Aktie in der Mitte eines allgemeinen Abwärtstrends war, können Sie beschließen, den Bestand unter dem Tief des Tages 2 bärischen Leuchter zu kürzen. Wie Sie sehen können, die Candlestick Chart Trader hat den Vorteil gegenüber dem westlichen Chart Trader, dass er die Signale in jedem Kerzenständer verwendet, um zu helfen, die veränderten Gefühle des Marktes in Bezug auf eine Aktie. Die offene enge Beziehung, die in dem Leuchter offenbart wird, ist effektiver als die nahezu enge Beziehung, die gewöhnlich von westlichen Händlern verwendet wird. Angebot und Nachfrage Ein Aktienkurs wird auf höhere oder niedrigere Preise auf der Grundlage von Angebot und Nachfrage Grundsätze anzupassen. In Fig. 7 ist ein Diagramm eines grünen Leuchters gezeigt. Die grüne Farbe des Leuchters zeigt an, dass der Schlusskurs der Aktie am Ende des Tages höher ist als der Eröffnungskurs zu Beginn des Tages. Wie Sie sehen werden, die Leuchter Farbe und Größe bieten sehr wichtige Hinweise auf die TRADERS SENTIMENT in Richtung einer bestimmten Aktien künftigen Preis. Beachten Sie, dass Händler Stimmung ist der Schlüsselbegriff hier. Im kurzfristigen Handel ist es für den Händler entscheidend, ein klares Verständnis davon zu haben, was andere Händler denken. Wie Sie sehen werden, ist der direkteste Weg, um dieses Verständnis durch richtige Interpretation des Leuchters zu bekommen. Sehen wir uns ein Beispiel an. In Abbildung 8 ist ein Leuchter der XYZ Company gezeigt, die bei 25 geöffnet und geschlossen bei 25 38. Der Leuchter ist grün in der Farbe, die uns ein schnelles visuelles Signal, dass der Aktienkurs sammelt höher in diesem Zeitraum gibt. Wie können wir diese Informationen verwenden, um uns zu verstehen, was andere Händler denken, um diese Frage zu beantworten, werden wir folgen die Leuchter Änderungen Schritt für Schritt zu verstehen, den Mechanismus, der den Aktienkurs fährt, um höher zu bewegen ist. In Abbildung 8 sehen wir, dass sich die Aktie bei 25 öffnet und dann schnell auf 25 18 ansteigt. Der Grund, weshalb der Preis auf 25 18 ansteigt, liegt daran, dass es eine hohe Nachfrage nach 25 18 Aktien und ein knappes Angebot an Anbietern gibt Lager bei 25 18. Sobald der gesamte Vorrat an 25 18 abgerissen ist, tritt die nächste Gruppe von Verkäufern auf, um ihren Bestand bei 25 zu bieten. Alle 25 14 Aktie wird schnell aufgerissen, weil es noch eine größere Anzahl gibt Der Händler, die bereit sind, bei 25 14 zu kaufen, als Verkäufer, die bereit sind, Aktien zu 25 zu verkaufen. Sobald die 25 14 Aktie gegangen ist, tritt die nächste Gruppe von Verkäufern auf, um ihre Vorräte bei 25 38 anzubieten. Die 25 38-Aktie wird schnell auch aufgerissen . Dieser Prozess wird sich wiederholen, bis die Käufer Interesse an dem Kauf der Aktie verlieren, was zu einer Verringerung der Nachfrage führt. Das Ergebnis der Kombination dieser Schritte ist ein grüner Leuchter mit einem Eröffnungskurs von 25, der zu einem Schlusskurs von 25 38 sammelt. Während der Rallye-Zeit jedoch wird der scharfsinnige Kerzenständerleser in der Lage sein, die lange grüne Farbe des Leuchters zu beobachten, und Dass die Nachfrage des Käufers hoch ist. Jetzt gibt es nur einen Grund, warum Händler die Nachfrage steigern würden, indem sie die Aktie aufstocken, und zwar deshalb, weil sie glauben, dass die Aktie in naher Zukunft steigen wird. Durch die Beobachtung der Leuchterfarbe und - größe ist der scharfsinnige Kerzenleser also in der Lage, genau zu bestimmen, was andere Händler denken, und dass sie glauben, dass der Aktienkurs in Zukunft höher gehen wird. In den Abbildungen 9 bis 10 zeigen wir ein Beispiel dafür, wie das gleiche Prinzip umgekehrt für die Analysen eines roten Leuchters gilt. Der Grund, weshalb der Preis sich auf 25 14 bewegt, liegt daran, dass es viele Verkäufer gibt, die dort eine Lagerstätte von 25 14 entladen und eine geringe Anzahl von Käufern, die bereit sind, bei 25 zu kaufen. Sobald alle Käufer die Aktie bei 25 14 gekauft haben, Nächste Gruppe von Käufern Schritte bis zum Angebot auf den niedrigeren Preis von 25 18. Die verzweifelten Verkäufer schnell verkaufen alle Aktien bei 25 18, und dann die nächste Menge von Käufern Schritt zum Preis von 25. Dieser Prozess wird sich wiederholen Selbst, bis alle Verkäufer die gesamte Lagermenge entladen haben, die sie verkaufen wollen, was zu einer Verringerung des Angebots führt. Das Ergebnis ist ein roter Leuchter mit einem Eröffnungskurs von 25 38, fällt auf einen Schlusskurs von 25. Während der Aktienpreis fallen jedoch die scharfsinnigen Kerzenständer Leser werden in der Lage, die lange rote Farbe des Leuchters zu beobachten, und ableiten, dass die Nachfrage Für den Vorrat ist niedrig. Jetzt gibt es nur einen Grund, warum Händler die Lieferung von Aktien zu verkaufen, und das ist, weil sie denken, dass die Aktie wird in der nahen Zukunft gehen. So durch die Beobachtung der Leuchter Farbe und Größe, der scharfsinnige Kerzenständer Leser ist in der Lage, genau das, was andere Händler denken denken, und das ist, dass sie denken, dass der Aktienkurs sinken wird in der Zukunft. Kauf auf Gier, Verkauf auf Furcht Es gibt nur zwei Kräfte hinter dem Angebot und Nachfrage Kräfte, die einen Aktienkurs höher oder niedriger fahren. Diese Kräfte sind die emotionalen Kräfte der Angst und Gier. Um dies zu veranschaulichen, verweisen wir auf Abbildung 11. Angenommen, Sie sind ein Trader, der die zinsbullische Rallye von Stock XYZ am Beginn des 3. bullis - sen grünen Leuchters beobachtet und einen Eintrag berücksichtigt. Sie haben die Aktienrallye zwei Tage lang riesig erlebt und wissen, dass jeder Trader, der an den ersten beiden Tagen eingegangen ist, nun ein großer Gewinner ist. Basierend auf dem Gefühl der Habgier beschließen Sie, an diesem Beginn des 3 Tage eingeben, und geistig zählen Sie Ihre Gewinne als der Preis sammelt sich zu einem neuen hoch. Nachdem der Vorrat schließt, prahlen Sie Ihren Freunden auf dem Golfplatz über den großen Handel, den Sie an diesem Tag machten. Sie gehen nach Hause vom Golfplatz und feiern den Sieg mit Ihrem Ehepartner und vielleicht sogar diskutieren, wie Sie das zusätzliche Geld, das Sie durch den Handel verdient haben. Nun denken Sie daran, dass der Gewinn nur auf Papier ist und nicht ein Penny noch verdient wurde. Am nächsten Morgen überprüfen Sie den Preis Ihrer Position, mit Erwartungen, dass Ihr zinsbullischen Aktien wird auf den Mond Rakete Nun stellen Sie sich die Emotionen, die durch Ihren Geist geht, wenn Ihre Position nicht nur nicht höher zu gehen, sondern auch öffnet sich unterhalb Ihres Eintrittspreises. Was ist die Emotion, die durch Ihren Körper fließt, wie Sie sehen nicht nur Ihre Gewinne erodieren vor Ihren Augen, aber jetzt berauben Sie Ihr Konto von kostbarem Kapital Die Emotion, die Sie erleben wird, ist zweifellos Angst und wird Sie auffordern, zu klettern, um Ihre Position so bald liquidieren Wie möglich, um Ihre Verluste zu minimieren. Nun betrachten Sie, dass es auch 2 oder 3 Tausend zusätzliche Händler, die die gleiche Aktie auf etwa den gleichen Preis mit den Hoffnungen der Gewinnung der gleichen Gewinn. Alle diese Händler werden stolpern über sich versuchen, sich aus dem Lager. Wie im vorigen Abschnitt dargestellt, führt diese Zunahme der Angst zu einer Zunahme des Angebots an der Aktie im Verhältnis zur Zunahme der Nachfrage und löst den starken Kursrückgang aus. Je tiefer der rote Leuchter in die bulligen, grünen Leuchter schneidet, desto mehr Händler werden in verlorene Positionen geworfen, und damit der Preisrückgang. Vielleicht fangen Sie an, die Kraft der Emotionen in den Kursbewegungen einer Aktie zu realisieren. Der technische Analytiker durch Leuchterlesung wird geschult, diese Gier - und Furchtgefühle auf dem Markt zu lesen und von ihnen zu profitieren. Kapitalisierung auf Angst und Gier Aus dem vorherigen Abschnitt haben wir festgestellt, dass die Kursbewegungen durch massive Emotionen von Angst und Habgier in Bezug auf die Position der Händler auf dem Markt mit einer bestimmten Aktie resultieren. Das Erkennen der Spuren von Gier und Angst ist nicht schwer. Anerkennung der Anzeichen, dass die Rallye oder Niedergang, bevor es geschieht, ist der schwierige Teil des Handels. Wie oft haben Sie diese Situation passiert: Sie geben einen Handel auf der Grundlage eines zinsbullischen Umkehr-Signal, aber dann verlassen auf einem leichten Rückzug nur zu sehen, die Aktie Rallye zu einem neuen High nach dem Verlassen. Oder wie oft haben Sie sich auf eine Aktie, die einen bärischen Rückzug erlebt in der Hoffnung, dass es sich umdrehen, nur um zu sehen, die Aktie sinkt auf neue Tiefs, bevor Sie schließlich zugeben, zu besiegen und zu beenden. Leider gibt es kein System, das mit 100 Genauigkeit genau vorhersagen kann, wo eine Gier-Rallye oder Angst zu verkaufen beginnt beginnt. Es gibt jedoch Techniken, die auf Leuchtermustern basieren, die uns helfen, wahrscheinliche Flächen für diese Wendepunkte zu lokalisieren. Der Rest dieses Abschnitts untersucht die Techniken bei der Identifizierung der wahrscheinlichen Bereiche, die richtig verwaltet werden, werden in Gewinnen für den Händler auf lange Sicht führen. Erkennen von Stornosignalen Werfen Sie einen Baseball direkt in die Luft. Wenn sich die Kugel der Spitze ihres Projektilpfads nähert, wird sie auf eine Geschwindigkeit von Null abbremsen und dann nach unten abnehmen, wenn sie sich dem Boden nähert. Stellen Sie sich jetzt vor, sich in ein Stück Holz zu bohren. Sie plötzlich traf eine harte Stelle im Holz, zu welcher Zeit tragen Sie mit all Ihrer Kraft zu überwinden, die vorübergehende Widerstand durch den Knoten im Holz geschaffen. Wenn Sie den Knoten durchdringen, stoßen Sie nach vorne und steigen schnell auf die andere Seite. Dies sind zwei Analogien zu erklären, die Muster der Bestände, wie sie Übergang zwischen einem Zug und den nächsten Schritt. Wenn eine Aktie eine Bewegung abschließt, erlebt sie einen Zeitraum der Verzögerung, der von Chartist als Preiskonsolidierung bezeichnet wird. Konsolidierung ist eines der wichtigsten Signale, dass eine Aktie im Begriff ist, einen neuen Schritt zu beginnen. Die Bewegung kann eine Fortsetzung in die gleiche Richtung sein, oder es kann eine Umkehrung in die entgegengesetzte Richtung sein. Das Konsolidierungsgebiet stellt eine Schlachtzone dar, in der die Bären im Krieg mit den Bullen stehen. Das Ergebnis der Schlacht definiert oft die Richtung des nächsten Zuges. Als kurzfristige Händler ist es wichtig, diese Bereiche der Konsolidierung zu identifizieren und geben einen Handel, so wie der neue Zug beginnt. Während des Konsolidierungszeitraums oder der Kampfzone werden Händler, sowohl lange als auch kurze, geduldig an der Seitenlinie warten, um das Ergebnis der Schlacht zu beobachten. Wie diese Gewinner entstehen, gibt es oft ein Rauschen von Händlern Springen in die gewinnende Team. Die Leuchter Muster gibt dem Händler ausgezeichnete Hinweise auf, wenn dieser Schritt vor sich geht, und hilft dem Händler Zeit seinen Eintrag, so dass er in den Anfang bekommen kann. Es gibt vier verschiedene Konsolidierungsmuster von Aktien erlebt. Sie sind 1) Bearish Continuation, 2) Bullish Fortsetzung, 3) Bearish Reversal, 4) Bullish Reversal. Das Bearish Continuation Consolidation Pattern Mehrere starke baissige Leuchter gehen dem Bearish Continuation-Muster voraus, wo die Bären eindeutig kontrolliert werden (Abbildung 12). Die Bären und Stiere beginnen dann zu kämpfen, indem sie den Vorrat auf und ab im Preis in einer fest geformten Konsolidierungszone drücken. Die verkleinerte Größe der Leuchter zu einer Linie der Unterstützung zeigt an, dass die Bären die Schlacht gewinnen. Die Bullen schwächen schließlich und erlauben den Bären, in die Linie der Unterstützung einzudringen, zu welcher Zeit die Bären schnell neues Territorium erobern, indem sie den Bestand zu niedrigeren Preisen nehmen. Durch das Erkennen des Konsolidierungsmusters ist der Händler in der Lage, den Bestand kurz zu knacken, nachdem die Aktie die Linie der Unterstützung unterbrochen hat und von dem scharfen Abwärtstrend profitiert. Die Ursache des scharfen Verkaufes wird durch die Emotionen der Händler gefördert, die auf das Ergebnis der Schlacht aufpassen. Trader, die die Aktie im Bereich der Konsolidierung in der Hoffnung auf eine Rallye off der Unterstützung gekauft haben, sind nun kriechen, um ihre verlieren Positionen zu beenden. Händler, die kurz vor dem Konsolidierungskreis sind, erkennen, dass ihre ursprünglichen Einsendungen korrekt waren und ihre Gewinnpositionen erhöhen. Das bullische Umkehrkonsolidierungsmuster Mehrere starke baissige Leuchter gehen dem Bullish Reversal Continuation-Muster voraus, wo die Bären eindeutig kontrolliert werden (Abbildung 13). Die Bären und Bullen beginnen dann zu kämpfen, indem sie den Vorrat auf und ab im Preis in einer fest geformten Konsolidierungszone drücken. Die verkleinerte Größe der Leuchter zu einer Linie gegen Aufwärtswiderstand, die darauf hinweist, dass die Bullen das Territorium der Bären gewinnen. Die Bären schwächen schließlich und erlauben den Stieren, die Linie des Widerstands zu durchdringen, zu welcher Zeit die Stiere schnell neues Territorium erobern, indem sie den Vorrat zu höheren Preisen nehmen. Durch das Erkennen des Konsolidierungsmusters ist der Händler in der Lage, den Bestand zu kaufen, kurz nachdem die Aktie die Linie des Widerstands zerbricht und von dem scharfen Anstieg nach oben profitiert. Die Ursache der Rallye wird durch die Emotionen der Händler geschärft, die auf das Ergebnis der Schlacht aufpassen. Zusätzliche Händler, die springen, um den Bestand zu kaufen, jetzt, dass seine Stärke bestätigt hat, die scharfe Aufwärtsbewegung. Händler, die derzeit kurz die Bestände im Bereich der Konsolidierung warten in der Hoffnung auf eine Panne, sind nun kriechen, um ihre Short-Positionen zu decken. Diese Kauftätigkeit treibt auch das Feuer an, das den Vorrat zu höheren Preisen drückt. Das Bearish Reversal Consolidation Pattern Mehrere starke bullishe Leuchter gehen dem Bearish Reversal Continuation Muster voraus, wo die Bullen klar in der Kontrolle sind (Abbildung 14). Die Bären und Stiere beginnen dann zu kämpfen, indem sie den Vorrat auf und ab im Preis in einer fest geformten Konsolidierungszone drücken. Die verkleinerte Größe der Leuchter zu einer Linie der Unterstützung zeigt an, dass die Bären die Schlacht gewinnen. Die Bullen schwächen schließlich und erlauben den Bären, durch die Linie der Unterstützung zu durchdringen, zu welcher Zeit die Bären schnell neues Gebiet erobern, indem sie den Vorrat zu niedrigeren Preisen nehmen. Durch das Erkennen des Konsolidierungsmusters ist der Händler in der Lage, kurz den Bestand zu verkaufen, kurz nachdem die Aktie die Förderlinie unterbrochen hat und von der scharfen Spitze nach unten profitiert. Zusätzliche Händler, die springen, um die Bestände jetzt, dass seine Schwäche bestätigt worden ist Kraftstoff die scharfen Verkauf weg. Händler, die derzeit die Aktie im Bereich der Konsolidierung warten in der Hoffnung auf einen Zusammenbruch sind jetzt kriechen, um ihre Long-Positionen zu verkaufen. Diese verkaufende Handlung treibt auch das Feuer, das den Vorrat zu niedrigeren Preisen drückt. Das bullische Continuation Consolidation Pattern Mehrere starke bullishe Leuchter gehen dem Bullish Continuation Consolidation Pattern voraus, wo die Bullen klar im Spiel sind (Abbildung 15). Die Bären und Bullen beginnen dann zu kämpfen, indem sie den Vorrat auf und ab im Preis in einer fest geformten Konsolidierungszone drücken. Die verkleinerte Größe der Leuchter zu einer Linie des Widerstands zeigt an, daß die Stiere die Schlacht gewinnen. Die Bären schwächen schließlich und erlauben den Stieren, die Linie des Widerstands zu durchdringen, zu welcher Zeit die Stiere schnell neues Territorium erobern, indem sie den Vorrat zu höheren Preisen nehmen. Durch das Erkennen des Konsolidierungsmusters ist der Händler in der Lage, den Bestand zu kaufen, kurz nachdem die Aktie die Linie des Widerstands zerbricht und von dem scharfen Anstieg nach oben profitiert. Die Ursache des scharfen Verkaufes wird durch die Emotionen der Händler gefördert, die auf das Ergebnis der Schlacht aufpassen. Händler, die die Aktie im Konsolidierungskreis in der Hoffnung auf einen Ausverkauf im Konsolidierungskreis kurzgeschlossen haben, kriechen nun, um ihre Verlustpositionen zu beenden. Händler, die lange vor dem Konsolidierungskreis sind, erkennen, dass ihre ursprünglichen Einsendungen korrekt waren und ihre Gewinnpositionen erhöhen. Steigerung der Quoten Wie wir im letzten Abschnitt gelernt haben, zeigen sich die besten Trading-Chancen kurz nach einem Durchbruch in der Preiskonsolidierung. Nicht jedes Konsolidierungsmuster ist jedoch handelbar. Es gibt zusätzliche Muster, die die Quoten des Handels, die durch die gewünschte Richtung folgen, beträchtlich erhöhen. Die Werkzeuge, die wir präsentieren, sind 1) Stützwiderstand 2) Trends, 3) gleitende Mittelwerte. Unterstützung und Widerstand Unterstützung und Widerstand sind allgemeine Preisbereiche, die die Bewegung der Vorräte in der Vergangenheit angehalten haben. Stützlinien sind waagerechte Linien, die mit einem Bereich übereinstimmen, in dem Vorrat vorher prallte. Widerstandslinien sind horizontale Linien, die mit einem Bereich übereinstimmen, in dem sich der Vorrat bewegt. Stütz - und Widerstandlinien werden benutzt, um zu helfen, wie viel der Aktienkurs entfernt wird, bevor er angehalten wird. Es gibt zwei Haupttypen von Unterstützung und Widerstand 1) Große Preisstützungsresistenz und 2) Minderer Preisstützungswiderstand Major Price SupportResistance Major Price Support ist eine künstliche horizontale Linie, die einen Bereich repräsentiert, in dem eine Aktienbewegung nach unten angehalten wurde, um einer neuen Aufwärtsbewegung Platz zu machen (Fig. 16). Daher unterstützt das Preisniveau den Kurs der Aktie. Ebenso ist Major Price Resistance eine künstliche horizontale Linie, die ein Gebiet repräsentiert, in dem eine Bestandsbewegung gestoppt wurde, um einer neuen Abwärtsbewegung Platz zu machen. Daher ist das Preisniveau Widerstand gegen den Preis der Aktie. Bei der Betrachtung einer Aktie als Handelschance ist es wichtig, die Lage der nächstgelegenen Unterstützungs - und Widerstandswerte zu notieren. Aktien in der Nähe von Bereichen der Unterstützung machen für bessere Kaufmöglichkeiten und Aktien in der Nähe von Bereichen des Widerstands für bessere kurze Möglichkeiten zu machen. In gleicher Weise sollte der Händler vorsichtiger sein, um Aktien über die Bereiche der Unterstützung zu kürzen und Aktien in der Nähe von Bereichen des Widerstands zu kaufen. Minor Price SupportResistance Minor Price Support ist eine künstliche horizontale Linie, die ein Gebiet repräsentiert, das zuvor als Preisresistenz diente, aber mittlerweile zur Preisstützung überführt wurde (Abbildung 17). Ebenso ist Minor Price Resistance eine künstliche horizontale Linie, die ein Gebiet repräsentiert, das zuvor als Preisstützung diente und nun in Preisresistenz umgewandelt wurde (Abbildung 18). Bei der Betrachtung einer Aktie als Handelschance ist es wichtig, die Lage der nächstgelegenen Unterstützungs - und Widerstandswerte zu notieren. Aktien in der Nähe von Bereichen der Unterstützung machen für bessere Kaufmöglichkeiten und Aktien in der Nähe von Bereichen des Widerstands für bessere kurze Möglichkeiten zu machen. In gleicher Weise sollte der Händler vorsichtiger sein, um Aktien über die Bereiche der Unterstützung zu kürzen und Aktien in der Nähe von Bereichen des Widerstands zu kaufen. Für eine eingehende Analyse, wie geringfügige Unterstützung Amp-Widerstand arbeitet, siehe die kostenlose quotEducational Sectionquot unserer Haupt-Website bei candlestickshopfree Jeder Bestand befindet sich in einem von drei Zuständen: 1) Aufwärtstrend, 2) Abwärtstrend und 3) Seitwärtstendenz Fig. 20). Ein Aufwärtstrend wird durch eine Reihe höherer Höhen und Höhenunterschiede definiert. Ein Abwärtstrend ist definiert durch eine Reihe niedrigerer Höhen, gefolgt von niedrigeren Tiefs. Ein Sideways Trend wird durch eine Reihe von relativ gleichen Höhen und Tiefen definiert. Sogar die stärksten Aktien müssen eine Periode der Ruhe durch einen Pullback im Preis oder eine Zeit der Markierung Zeit mit wenig bis gar keine Preisbewegung. Eine starke Aktie wird oft zurückziehen im Preis als kurz-bis mittelfristige Händler nehmen ihre Gewinne aus dem Tisch, und in dem Prozess erhöhen den Verkauf Druck, die vorübergehend die Börse nach unten drücken wird. Eine starke Aktie, nach Ruhe wird oft wieder ihre Rallye nach diesen leichten Rückzieher. Der Trader hat bessere Chancen zu seinen Gunsten, indem er die Aktien in Richtung des Trends. Beispielsweise können Aktien und Aufwärtstrends gekauft und Aktien in einem Abwärtstrend kurzgeschlossen werden (Abb. 21amp 22). Ein Vorrat in einem seitlichen Muster kann entweder unser kurzgeschlossenes gekauft werden, wenn der Vorrat ison starke Preisunterstützung oder Widerstand ist. Andernfalls sollte der Trader Long-Positionen nur auf up Trending-Aktien, die zurückgezogen haben für Ruhe bereit, um die Rallye wieder aufzunehmen. Ebenso sollte der Trader in Short-Positionen auf Down Trending Aktien, die zurückgezogen haben für den Rest bereit, um den Rückgang wieder aufzunehmen. Die grundlegendste Form des gleitenden Durchschnitts, und die, die wir allen unseren Händlern empfehlen, wird der einfache gleitende Durchschnitt genannt. Der einfache gleitende Durchschnitt ist der Durchschnitt der Schlusskurse für alle verwendeten Preispunkte. Zum Beispiel wäre der einfache 10 gleitende Durchschnitt wie folgt definiert: 10MA (P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10) 10 Wo P1 jüngsten Preis, P2 zweitletzten Preis und so weiter Der Begriff quotmovingquot wird verwendet, weil, wie Der neueste Datenpunkt wird dem gleitenden Durchschnitt hinzugefügt, der älteste Datenpunkt wird gelöscht. Als Ergebnis bewegt sich der Durchschnitt immer, wenn die neuesten Daten hinzugefügt werden. Gleitende Mittelwerte können als Unterstützungs - und Widerstandswerte verwendet werden. Bestände neigen dazu, sich von den gleitenden Durchschnitten zu erholen, und zwar in der gleichen Weise, wie sie von den Haupt - und Nebenstütz - und Widerstandslinien zurückprallen. Ein gleitender Durchschnitt kann mit irgendeiner Periode aufgetragen werden, die Perioden, die scheinen, die stärkste Unterstützung und Widerstand für den kurzfristigen Handel zur Verfügung zu stellen, sind die 10MA, 20MA, 50 MA, 100MA und 200MA. Candlestick Line Time Frames Eines der schönen Attribute der Candlestick-Linie ist, dass die gleiche Analyse auf mehrere Zeitrahmen angewendet werden kann. Der Zeitrahmen einer Leuchterlinie ist die Zeitdauer zwischen der Leuchteröffnung Preis und Schlusskurs. Zum Beispiel würde ein tägliches Candlestick-Diagramm aus Leuchterlinien bestehen, wobei die Eröffnungskurse dem Tagesöffnungspreis entsprechen und die Schlusskurse dem Tagesschlusskurs entsprechen (Abbildung 25). Ein 5-minütiges Candlestick-Diagramm hätte Candlestick-Linien mit einer Zeitdauer von 5 Minuten zwischen jedem Leuchter Eröffnungskurs und Schlusskurs. Die meisten guten Computer-Charting-Software ermöglicht eine einfache Umwandlung von einem Zeitrahmen zum nächsten. Wie wir in den letzteren Beispielen sehen werden, unter Verwendung mehrerer verschiedener Zeitrahmen bei der Betrachtung einer Bestände Leuchter Muster ist ein sehr effektiver Weg, um die zugrunde liegenden Gefühle hinter einer Bestandsbewegung zu lesen. Dissecting a Candlestick Das Ändern von Zeitrahmen beim Betrachten von Candlestick-Mustern ist nützliches Werkzeug, wenn man nach Mustern sucht, die zu guten Handelschancen führen. Betrachten wir zum Beispiel das Bullish Harami-Muster, das sich auf dem Daily-Time-Frame-Diagramm manifestiert (Abbildung 26). Der gleiche Vorrat, der auf einem 15-Minute-Zeitrahmendiagramm gezeichnet wird, zeigt, daß der Vorrat tatsächlich für ein Bullish Umkehrungs-Konsolidierungsmuster aufbaut. Mit Hilfe der Tages-Chart und der 15-min-Chart gemeinsam zu erleichtern, mögliche Handelschancen zu finden. Zum Beispiel kann der Händler für Harami-Setups auf dem Tages-Chart zu scannen, und ziehen Sie dann ein 15-min-Diagramm, um zu bestätigen, dass der Bestand ein Konsolidierungsmuster Vorbereitung für einen Ausbruch erlebt. Setzen Sie es zusammen Für Beispiele der Leuchtermuster klicken Sie bitte hier. Kopieren Copyright 2016 Candlestickshop Sunset Capital Management Ann Arbor, MichiganAsif Akbar ist ein berühmter Bangladeshi Pop-Sänger. Er ist auch Sozialarbeiter und Politiker. Er war Journalist einer Tageszeitung in Bangla. Er betreibt ein beliebtes Restaurant in seiner eigenen Stadt namens comilla. Das frühe Leben von Asif Akbar Er wurde in Comilla am 25. März 1972 geboren. Sein Spitzname ist Mithu. Sein Vater heißt Ali Akbar, ein berühmter Anwalt und Mütter ist Rokeya Akbar. Er ist der 6. seiner sieben Geschwister. Asif Akbar wurde 1992 mit Salma Akbar Mitu verheiratet und war eine Liebesheirat. Sie sind glückliches Paar mit zwei Söhnen. Der Traum von Asif Akbar Einmal in seinem Leben, der beliebte BD-Sänger, der eigenes Königreich auf Bangla Music Welt oder Bangla Song World hat, hat einen Traum, ein beliebter Kricketspieler zu werden. Es war das erste und wertvolle Ziel seines Lebens. Aber das Glück hat etwas anderes gezeigt, was wir alle jetzt wissen. Es kann als Facebook Timeline Foto-Persönlichkeit von Asif Akbar verwendet werden Herr Asif wirklich starke Persönlichkeit, die sehr selten in anderen Sängern von Bangla Songs Atmosphäre sind. Mit einfach verkleiden und ein Glas auf Augen, Er sieht ein starker Mann und sein Gesicht zeigt starke und stetige Persönlichkeit. Er behält seine Intelligenz auch auf seiner Rede. Um dies zu beurteilen, nur eine TV-Show der beliebten BD-Sänger Asif Akbar. Die Sängerkarriere von Asif Akbar Von Anfang an hat er über 29 Soloalben, sang so viele Duette und spielte auch in vielen Bangla-Kinos. Seine vielen populären Lieder sind als Titelsong in vielen Bangla Drama oder Bangla Natok aufgenommen worden. Er hat auch so viele Duett und Mix-Alben mit verschiedenen beliebten Sänger wie Kavita Krishnamurthy. Kumar Sanu. Bappa Majumdar. Dolly Shaontoni. Suzana Ansar Sonia. Kaniz Suborna. Dinat Jahan Munni. Monir Khan und so viele andere. Die Live-Konzerte von Asif Akbar Er lebt in Konzerten und auch er wurde in vielen TV-Spots gesehen. Asif Akbar gewinnt viele Auszeichnungen in seinem Leben, darunter National Film Awards (2. Mal) und Meril Prothom Alo Awards (5. Mal). Konzert in Sydney-20-05-2007 Es kann als Facebook Cover Foto von Asif Liebhaber verwendet werden Die Rückseite der Bangla Musikwelt von Asif Akbar Er zog sich vom kommerziellen Gesang am 17. März 2010 zurück, um sich auf seine politische Karriere zu konzentrieren. Aber er wird regelmäßig in der Welt der Musik wieder durch Gesang in einem Fernsehprogramm, genannt phonolive musikalische Show in Desh TV, die Telecasting am 27.Mai821713 um 11:45 Uhr wurde. Asif said Although I bade farewell to the music world once, But I have decided to come back again on people8217s request and demand. And finally he resigned as member of BNPs central executive committee, according to people close to him and returned to commercial singing again with the solo album tiled X-Prem in August 2013. Then his album is Bedonar Alpin with Shoshi, released on 16 December 2013. Lately Asif Akbar and Nancy8217s first duet album Jhograr gaan was released on this Eid-UL-Azha. Asif Akbar said about their duet album Jhograr Gaan was the first duet album with BD singer Nancy. This album holds 12 songs in total, all duets, 10 basic songs and rest two are of Hemanta Mukhapadhay8217s. The basic songs were written by Bakiul Alom, Kabir Bakul, Pradip Shah, Rajib Ahmed and Robiul Islam Jibon. Monwar Hossain Tutul was in tune and the music was arranged by Ahmed Kislu. Support This Article:- There are two kinds of MBA exams held in the University of Dhaka including 8216 Executive MBA 8217 which is popularly known as 8216 IBA MBA 8217 and the another one is 8216 Evening MBA 8217 popularly known as DU MBA which is like any other MBA programs of other universities. The Executive MBA preparation of Dhaka University or IBA MBA preparation is the much tougher one with better future promises and the Evening MBA preparation or DU MBA preparation is comparatively easy. Both programs have certain differences such as the Executive MBA or EMBA requires that the applicant must have minimum three years of work experience in any field after the completion of his graduation but the DU MBA does not make it obligatory. In the educational qualities an applicant is required to have a bachelor degree from any field having at least 2nd class or minimum CGPA of 2.50 to sit for the 8216EMBA8217 and the DU MBA allows one 3rd class in any public examination such as S. S.C. H. S.C. etc. This article will deal with the ways of DU MBA preparation and IBA MBA preparation and work as a guideline for the students interested to go for these examinations. DU MBA preparation requires a vast study of general knowledge including Bangladesh affairs and International affairs. It also requires Basic English grammar, analytical abilities, basic math etc. 1. For general knowledge one must study the current affairs of both of Bangladesh and other countries. Studying newspaper daily, monthly books on current affairs are really helpful for DU MBA preparation. There are so many guide books also in market having questions with solutions of various competitive exams like Banking, B. C.S. university admission tests. If anyone reads out any of these books, he is sure to get idea about the question papers and answering patterns. There are books especially for DU MBA preparation also which is not very different from the other books talked above. 2. For English Grammar, synonyms, antonyms, vocabulary etc. there are also various kinds of books. One has to find out in which area he has the most problem. Then he should consult those kinds of books in the particular areas. This English preparation may be done from the basic grammar books of secondary or higher secondary level. 3. The secondary level math is required to solve for the DU MBA preparation. Again one can consult secondary level math books and books available in the market for DU MBA preparation. 4. This exam requires 33 as pass marks and minimum 43 marks are required to achieve any kind of subject in this program. The higher one gets the higher subjects he will get. Usually Finance and Banking is the toughest subject to get. An applicant has to be passed in the written test of 80 marks but not in every section such as English, general knowledge, math etc. So this is a great opportunity for the applicants not to worry of passing every section ad must plan his DU MBA preparation accordingly. IBA MBA preparation is though concerned with the same subjects talked above but it is tougher as in this case an applicant must pass all the sections included. A minimum number of 55 usually take one home but to achieve those marks one has to work really hard as the question pattern is far harder and only a few numbers of students are passed usually. The problem is one has to go through the toughest interview exam later if he passes the written test which was not that much tougher in the DU MBA exam. So, a student may follow the guidelines below - 1. For IBA MBA preparation, one should make his routine of study for every section. If he feels that he needs consultancy in any of the sections, he can go to coaching centres or higher someone expert privately. 2. He can go to the IBA adminitration of Dhaka University and gather information, question papers of previous years for his IBA MBA preparation. 3. He better consult with a running student of IBA MBA and get to know what he should do for his IBA MBA preparation. 4. If he fails in one attempt of examination, he should relax and get ready for the next examination and continue his IBA MBA preparation. For both IBA MBA preparation and DU MBA preparation one should pay attention to his own loads of study rather than what others say. Ofcourse he should consult others but in the end it is his own performance which is required. Note: This MBA(Master in Business Administration) admission test guideline is also helpful for other universities MBA Admission test such as North South University MBA Admission test, CTG university MBA Admission test, Jahangir Nagar University MBA Admission test, Rajhsahi University MBA Admission test and so on. Z inc is the fourth widely used metal after steel, aluminium and copper in the world. Mainly used for galvanizing steel, zinc is also used in alloys, batteries, rubber, paint, electroplating metal spraying and several other sectors. Due to its resistance to non-acidic atmospheric corrosion zinc is instrumental in extending the life of buildings, vehicles, ships and steel goods and structures of every kind. Zinc is a bluish-white lustrous metal. It is normally covered with a white coating on exposure to the atmosphere. Zinc dust is flammable when exposed to heat and burns with a bluish-green flame. Zinc also exists in many compounds. Zinc has a role in normal human growth, taste, and sperm development, but exposure to high levels of zinc through inhalation, ingestion, and dermal contact can cause adverse health effects. Zinc is used for alloys, electroplating, metal spraying, electrical fuses, batteries, rubber, paint, glue and matches. Zinc is registered as a fungicide, herbicide, and rodenticide. The primary stationary sources of zinc are electric services, petroleum refining, crude petroleum and natural gas extraction, manufacturing of fabricated rubber products, manufacturing of fabricated metal heating and plumbing products, and manufacturing of inorganic chemicals. Indoor sources include infiltration of outdoor air, smoking, cooking, and other indoor sources. The average indoor concentration of zinc is normally slightly higher than the outdoor level. Zinc occurs naturally in the earths crust. The rapid growth in the Asian region is mainly the trigger for rise in global zinc consumption. Refined zinc output globally is expected to grow by a moderate 3 percent to 10.6 million ton in 2006 it may further move up to 11.0 million ton in 2007. Major producers in Asia are enhancing capacity to in tune with the demand for zinc in the coming years. India is one of the fastest growing regions of zinc consumption in the world. Indian zinc demand is likely to grow 12-15 percent per annum compared with the global average of 5 percent. Growth in steel sector is the main factor behind the rise in domestic consumption as 70 percent of Indias zinc use is accounted by steel galvanizing. India hopes to become self reliant in zinc production by 2010. Industry estimates place that Indias annual production has to touch 14 ton per year by 2020 if it has to sustain 10 percent growth till 2010 and at 7 percent rate thereafter. The Indian zinc industry entered its transformation phase with the privatisation of the largest zinc producer, Hindustan Zinc Ltd, in favour of the Sterlite group in April 2002. The domestic zinc industry is now completely under the private sector and is in the midst of a serious expansion programme. Even if one assumes that zinc demand grows by 10 per cent till 2010 and at slower 7 per cent thereafter, India would require zinc capacity of 14 lakh tpa by 2020, in order to be self-reliant. The next round of large capacity additions would, therefore, be warranted from 2008 onwards. Factors Influencing Zinc Market Changes in inventory level at LME wharehouses Economic growth rate of major consuming countries Global growth and demand in major consuming industries Prices of the alternative metal(s) Participation of funds Zinc mini is the fourth most widelyused metal after steel, aluminum and copper in the world. Due to its resistanceto non-acidic atmospheric corrosion zinc is instrumental in extending the lifeof buildings, vehicles, ships and steel goods and structures of every kind. Zinc mini is a bluish-white lustrousmetal. It is normally covered with a white coating on exposure to theatmosphere. Zinc dust is flammable when exposed to heat and burns with abluish-green flame. Zinc also exists in many compounds. Zinc has a role innormal human growth, taste, and sperm development, but exposure to high levelsof zinc through inhalation, ingestion, and dermal contact can cause adversehealth effects. Zinc is used for alloys, electroplating, metal spraying, electrical fuses, batteries, rubber, paint, glue and matches. Zinc is registered as a fungicide, herbicide, androdenticide. The primary stationary sources of zinc are electric services, petroleum refining, crude petroleum and natural gas extraction, manufacturingof fabricated rubber products, manufacturing of fabricated metal heating andplumbing products, and manufacturing of inorganic chemicals. Indoor sourcesinclude infiltration of outdoor air, smoking, cooking, and other indoorsources. The average indoor concentration of zinc is normally slightly higherthan the outdoor level. Zinc occurs naturally in the earth s crust. The Indian zinc industry enteredits transformation phase with the privatisation of the largest zinc producer, Hindustan Zinc Ltd, in favour of the Sterlite group in April 2002. The domesticzinc industry is now completely under the private sector and is in the midst ofa serious expansion programme. By 2010, India is expected toattain complete self-sufficiency in meeting its zinc demand. Thereafter, theprocess of India becoming an important zinc supplier to the world would beinitiated, provided that another phase of capacity expansion is effected. The country s zinc demand, whichstood at 3.5 lakh tonnes in 2003-04, is expected to rise to 4 lakh tonnes in2004-05, including imports 65,000 tonnes. Over the next five-six years, zinc demand is likely to grow at 12-15 per cent annually, against the globalaverage of 5 per cent. Even if one assumes that zinc demandgrows by 10 per cent till 2010 and at slower 7 per cent thereafter, India wouldrequire zinc capacity of 14 lakh tpa by 2020, in order to be self-reliant. Thenext round of large capacity additions would, therefore, be warranted from 2008onwards. Buoyancy in domestic zinc demandprimarily emanates from the boom in the steel industry, given that over 70 percent of zinc is used for galvanizing. The steel industry has bright prospectswith demand drivers being the construction industry and exports. Other sourcesfor demand would be die-casting, guard rails for highways andimported-substituted zinc alloys. Substitutes: Aluminum, steel, andplastics substitute for galvanized sheet. Aluminum, plastics, and magnesium aremajor competitors as diecasting materials. Plastic coatings, paint, and cadmiumand aluminum alloy coatings replace zinc for corrosion protection aluminumalloys are used in place of brass. Many elements are substitutes for zinc inchemical, electronic, and pigment uses. Factors Influencing Zinc Market Changes in inventory level at LMEwharehouses Economic growth rate of majorconsuming countries Global growth and demand in majorconsuming industries Prices of the alternativemetal(s) Participation of funds Factor influencing demand andsupply Zinc options trading is your birth certificate traded on the stock exchange World refined zinc s hooks trade options: lptgroup1 amcgroup. tin or sell nifty, and trading platform for bulk requirement of stock options signals smaller. 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Probability trading strategies download links . how to win in binary option killer software binary trade group binary option signal franco 25 deposit best stock broker kenya secrets to best binary options charting platforms my binary options trading api strategy Seven Trading Systems for the SP Futures Gap Strategies to Day Trade the Opening Bell Brand new book reveals seven new fully disclosed trading systems to day trade the E-mini SP futures. Discover seven new trading strategies for the SP futures. If you are a beginner or advanced, trading the daily open can be one of the best ways to trade the market. We specifically cover the rules on how to systematically day-trade the E-mini SP 500 futures. Learn how to distinguish between four different gap trading setups and how to trade a Gap Fill or Gap Continuation. Learn how to combine two strategies into one. Understand the PTSL Ratio. Learn how to exit a trade with graphical analysis techniques. - How To Trade the Open - Four Different Gap Patterns - Design of 7 Different Gap Strategies - Fully Disclosed Trading Systems - How to Exit A Trade - The Secret to Optimization - The Art and Science of Trading Discover seven new trading strategies for the SP futures If you are a beginner or advanced, trading the daily open can be one of the best ways to trade the market. We specifically cover the rules on how to systematically day-trade the E-mini SP 500 futures. Learn how to distinguish between four different gap trading setups and how to trade a Gap Fill or Gap Continuation. Learn how to combine two strategies into one. Understand the PTSL Ratio. Learn how to exit a trade with graphical analysis techniques. Discovering both the art and science of trading as well as the secret behind optimization. Use this book to further develop your own strategies to trade the daily open in any market. The rules and Tradestation EasyLanguage code are completely disclosed for all seven systems so that the strategies can be fully automated or traded manually. To purchase Seven Trading Systems for the SP Futures: Alpha 7 Trading Academy Reviews About Alpha 7 Trading Academy The Alpha 7 Trading Academy, found online at Alpha7Trading, describes itself as a ldquopersonalized and highly effective educational organizationrdquo whose goal is to their students the knowledge they need to ldquoconsistently profit. rdquo How Does It Work Alpha7Trading says this series of training programs were designed by professionals with decades of experience in trading specializations like programming and automation of trading platforms, current and effective intraday trading strategies, algorithmic trading strategy development, risk management, and much more. However, they do point out that the ldquocornerstonerdquo of their education are the methods developed and taught by Jea Yu, who has created and sold many different trading educational programs in the past and is described as being well respected in his field, but they go on to say that even more important than their methods and diversity of subject matter is their small classroom approach, which takes into account the needs of their individual students. To do this, their courses use a ldquocustom E-Learning Learning Management System, rdquo which allows instructors to administer online courses while tracking the progress of students with reports and statistics. And not only will students get access to online classrooms where they can interact, but also e-learning content, articles, documents and media, online tests and quizzes, and finally automated grading and certification. But perhaps the actual most important feature of this program for some students is the fact that this software allows all students to access their training portal any time, from any internet enabled device, giving them the ability to work at their own pace and when it is most convenient for them. There are seven different courses available for purchase and download at this time, and they range in price from 497.00 for their Foundations of Intraday Trading to 3,997.00 for their Professional Trader Placement Assistance course. They do offer a link to free training, which actually takes you to an outside website that is offering free software which provides assistance with binary options trading. It is important to note that this is not actually a training tool at all, but rather the offer to download trading software and work with a specific trading platform. The Alpha 7 Trading Academy is very clear that at no point will any refunds be given for any products purchased from their website. All payments made through their website are automatically ldquofinal sale, rdquo and never eligible for refund or exchange. Customer Service Contact Info Customers who would like to contact their Customer Service team with questions, concerns, or complaints can do so by phone at 646-564-3495 or by email at InfoAlpha7Trading. Actually, the Alpha 7 Trading Academy appears to get very positive reviews from the few customers who are reporting online. They consistently report enjoying both the quality and quantity of information, as well as the features and tools of their training program. However, the fact that their training courses are very expensive and are automatically final sale is a little troublesome. This creates a circumstance in which people who are unhappy with what they have received have zero recourse or pathway to recouping any expenses. Also, it is problematic that a link on their webpage which is not marked as an advertisement but rather simply says ldquoClick here for access to free trainingrdquo actually takes you to a binary options trading website, and has absolutely nothing to do with training at all, but is actually promoting a trading platform. Competitors and Alternatives There are many different websites and companies that provide unique approaches to providing both training and investment information for people interested in learning, including VectorVest. Online Trading Academy. Larry Williams. Covestor. Investools. and many more. If you have experience with this company or their products, please leave your Alpha 7 Trading Academy reviews below. Reviewed By Jay on December 14, 2014 I attended this seminar. I was promised that I will learn more about forex, futures if I come there. Since I already have experience of trading for 7 years I do not want to spend traveling and time in just attending inspirational talk on why to learn trading. Entire class was just a 2-3 hour talk on why I should take a 3 day class of 299 which is just more of basic teaching with no practical on online trading. I asked for brochure at the NY center near Wall Street (42 broadway) and they said, they dont have one. The guy went on being rude saying, I dont need to market you. He kept saying, I am wasting my time with you. I had to explain him the reason I came and I am not there to shell out 299 just because I can afford it. I would rather give it to some homeless guy. He then apologized to me, and then gave me the rates of the other classes. So, I learned that the 3 day class of 299 is just another TRAP for 14000 to 65000 worth of more courses. This is stupid. I would not give that money to some mediocre traders who can teach me basics of trading. In short, please dont waste your time on ONLINE TRADING ACADEMY. They are just interested in . IF they knew trading, they would make the money of the trades themselves and not ask for 65000 from you. Simple Logic I am glad I didnt spend a penny on them. There are many other sources for me to learn trading. One can easily open PAPER MONEY fake-money accounts and learn various strategies. There are videos, books, and other courses offered by various institutions and trading platform (thinkorswim etc.) Simple Versatile Forex Strategy With Heiken Ashi Candlestick Take advantage of the smoothed Heiken Ashi candlestick with this simple versatile trading strategy. It can be used for all trading styles including scalping and day trading. Indicators: HeikenAshiSmoothed, 144 Period Simple Moving Average Preferred time frame(s): Any Trading sessions: Any ( Euro and US Session for scalping) Preferred Currency pairs: Any EURUSD 5 Min Chart The 5 minute chart shows you a buy and sell trade. Red Heiken Ashi candlestick below the 144 SMA gives sell signal. On the contrary, green Heiken Ashi candlestick above the 144 SMA gives buy signal. Click the chart to enlarge. Criteria 1: Heiken Ashi candlestick has to close above the 144 period SMA Criteria 2: Heiken Ashi candlestick must be green This is your buy entry. 1) Place stop below the previous swing low. 2) Close the trade when opposite signal (sell) is triggered. Price Objectives (partial profit taking): Book 50 profits at 1:1 risk-to-reward. Book 50 profits at 1:3 (use trailing stop). Criteria 1: Heiken Ashi candlestick has to close below the 144 period SMA Criteria 2: Heiken Ashi candlestick must be red This is your sell entry. ETF Trading Strategies for Gold, Silver, Miners and Natural Gas It was another wild session The SP500 continued to rally and is pushing extreme overbought conditions today. Our net short ETF trading strategy on the SP500 is close to getting stopped out as the trend is on the verge of turning back up if sellers do not step in tomorrow. We are under water on this trade and unfortunately we lose when trends reverse as that is just part of trading. The trend remains down and we could get a miracle tomorrow to save the day. only time will tell. Natural Gas ETF Trading Strategies: This morning we closed out our natural gas trade for a big profit of roughly 18-20 depending where you entered and placed your stop. I have had a several emails from members wanting to add to their position yesterday, and another bunch today saying they still hold their position in natural gas cause they think price will continue to move in their favor. Technically, closing out our trade today was the proper thing to do. We followed our rules and the trade managed its self perfectly. While natural gas could continue to sell down in the long run, wanting to hold your position or add to a trade that is up 40 without any real pullbacks is the sign of a GREEDY trader. General rule is, if you do not take profits on a trade, the market will simply take them back, its that simple. ETF Trading Strategy for DGAZ Pays out 20 return It looks as though precious metal miners and gold are having an impulse wave higher and have turned up. Silver remains in a down trendbasing pattern. I plan to get long this sector on the first pause or pullback. Though we could get long Silver tomorrow using one of our precious metals etf trading strategies . Home Business Forex Trader Support and Resistance the two key words To really understand the behavior of a currency on the Forex market it is important to see how it has behaved over a period of time. Taken over the course of a very short space of time, it is possible to make data mean just about anything. This, in turn, means that the data will be almost worthless. Over a longer period of time, however, patterns always seem to assert themselves, and establish a firm basis for predicting the future. Analyzing the market to your advantage 3 Option Strategies To Use During Low Volatility Markets February 7 2014 Low volatility trading is tough for option sellers like us. When markets are calm premiums are small and narrow meaning that we cannot sell options far from the current stock price. So whats a trader to do Staying active, and keeping position size small. is important but you dont want to force trades into the market that arent right. 1) PutCall Debit Spreads Make some directional bets on overbought or oversold stocks. Using debit spreads, youll pay to enter the strategy and will look to pay about 50 of the width of the strikes. Using Support and Resistance to Trade Supply and Demand In our article, The Forces of Supply and Demand. we saw what a large impact these forces can have on prices in the Forex market. This is a strong and important relationship it may be difficult to understand exactly lsquohow this takes place. This is where support and resistance can come into play helping traders identify levels in which the supply andor demand in a given currency pair may change once that line is crossed. This article will delve deeper into this premise, and well look at how traders can begin to use supply and demand to their advantage. Supply and Demand Supply is the amount available at a particular price, while demand is the amount that is wanted or desired at a specific price. As we saw in The Forces of Supply and Demand. the price of a product (or instrument) can have a huge impact on the amount that is demanded from the marketplace, or the amount of supply that might be available. As prices increase, sellers willingness to get rid of their products will also increase. This is called a supply curve, and it illustrates how additional units become available (on the vertical axis) as prices increase (horizontal axis). And on the other side of that equation, buyers will demand more at lower prices as price increases we will generally see that demand fall as illustrated below in a typical demand curve. Once again, of units is on the vertical axis, with price on the horizontal axis: Supply and Demand in the Real World Lets imagine, for a moment, that you have been tasked with the job of purchasing groceries for your family. And as most families, a top-line item on that grocery list is steak for weekend grilling. You go to the market one day, and notice that the price on steak has doubled Its now going to cost twice as much to pursue your weekend grill-master activities, and you quickly begin to think how valuable that steak might be. You begin to look for alternatives, such as hamburger or chicken replacement products with which you can derive similar value albeit at a far more comfortable cost. While you, individually, may decide to pay the doubled price of steak we have to think of the market dynamics at work. Not EVERY steak buyer would be interested in doing this, and many would opt for replacement products. This is a living example of a demand curve. As price increased, demand decreased. But, lets say the next week you go to the grocery store, you notice a different phenomenon. Now, instead of steak being twice what your used to paying its half of what your used to paying, or 75 off of last weeks price. Now you begin thinking in a different direction than you had last week. You start to think that having steak during the week, on top of your weekend grilling festivities, can bring some additional enjoyment to yours and your families lives. You remember how much your wife loved that steak salad the last time you took the family out for dinner, and you decide to load up while price is cheap. But while youre pontificating the wonders of steak in the grocery store, you witness a rush of people running with baskets full of steak. Customers are loading up while price is cheap, and you realize that if you dont act fast all of the discounted meat will be gone before you know it This is, once again, demand at work. And as price has moved lower, weve seen how demand increased not only for you, but the market in general. Supply and Demand Playing Out through Support and Resistance The example of discounted steak isnt all that different than what we can see on a currency chart. Lets take lsquoThe Cable, for example (GBPUSD). Since July of 2010, we have not seen price below 1.5230. There have been multiple instances in which price has approached this level but as of yet, this line in the sand has not been broken. Created with MarketscopeTrading Station II As you can see above, there have been quite a few tests of GBPUSD below 1.55 since August of 2010, but as of yet there has not been a break below 5230. Many of these tests have been accompanied with a rise in price that eventually led to the 1.60 area on the chart. Seeing a price below 1.55 on GBPUSD is similar to seeing steak on sale at the grocery store for 75 off. At this price level, buyers have shown a willingness to jump in because price appeared to low for them to say lsquono. Support is the point at which demand begins to outstrip supply, sending price higher. Modifications to the Supply and Demand Curve Everything that weve discussed thus far has been under the assumption that the environment has stayed roughly the same. And it would be fantastic if that were the case, but unfortunately this is not true. Things change, and so certainly do prices. Lets imagine, for a moment, that there was an outbreak of Mad Cow Disease in your state. Now, purchasing beef appears more risky. As a matter of fact, when you go to the grocery store, you notice that steak has been marked down 75 and draws the interest of nobody in the market. A fundamental event has just provoked a massive change in the market. This isnt unlike an interest rate change, or really bad data print during NFP that creates shockwaves throughout global markets. The grocery store can continue lowering the price of steak until, eventually, some buyers feel that the risk of contracting mad cow disease is worthy of the discount they would receive on a purchase of steak. And just like most breakouts. prediction of the stimuli that might cause the price change is difficult to forecast. Trading Supply and Demand The first thing traders need to do before placing a trade based on supply and demand is to decide whether they want to expect the environment to stay the same or to rapidly change. This is the dichotomy between the decision to trade for a range or trade for a breakout. Trading the Range When trading a range, traders are anticipating the environment to stay about the same with support or resistance standing its ground allowing for traders to lsquobuy low, and lsquosell high. We talked about this concept extensively in the article How to Analyze and Trade Ranges with Price Action. The picture below will illustrate how a trader can use price alone to identify those points in the market at which demand begins to outstrip supply (creating increased prices) or supply begins to overrun demand (creating decreased prices). Created with MarketscopeTrading Station II Trading the Breakout The other side of the coin is the trader that is expecting the environment to change, with breaks of support or resistance to create new highs or new lows. With this style, the traders objective changes from the range-bound condition. The goal is now to lsquobuy high, and sell back at a higher price, or to lsquosell low and buy back to cover at a lower price. In the article, The Ballistics of Breakouts. we offer an in-depth walk through for how this can be done. The picture below will illustrate how a trader can plot a breakout trade: Created with MarketscopeTrading Station II Since these environments can be considerably more chaotic than what might be expected in lsquoranging markets, traders are usually best served by altering their money management to account for the increased risk of trading in a fast market. --- Written by James B. Stanley To contact James Stanley, please email InstructorDailyFX. You can follow James on Twitter JStanleyFX. To join James Stanleys distribution list, please click here . If you are new to the FX market, and are interested in receiving a curriculum based on your specific trading background, you are cordially invited to take our lsquoTrader IQ quiz. Upon taking the quiz, you will be directed to a curriculum list customized to your previous trading experience. Become a Personal Investors client Manage your Multicurrency Account Access to a worldwide range of financial investments Trade on international stock markets Follow the 5 steps below to initiate an online account opening and become a client of Personal Investors in Luxembourg A few important details Supporting documents, in addition to the requirements outlined in the General Terms and Conditions, are required before an account can be opened online: - A certified copy of a valid ID (ID or passport or residence card) - Proof of residence of less than three months An account can only be opened after the Bank has confirmed, by post, that it accepts to enter into a relationship. Bearing in mind the regulations in force, BNP Paribas Personal Investors can only accept accounts opened for persons of American nationality or resident in the United States under certain conditions. Learn comprehensive and practical trade education from a 25 year market veteran. Dynamic Traders Group offers unique and comprehensive education for practical trade strategies for any market and any time frame. Our multi-media educational workshops are not just static Power Point slides and screen captures, but a combination of video and bar-by-bar instruction. We offer our workshop video CDs at a very low price compared to the cost of most live workshops. We also think our workshop video CDs are a much more efficient way to teach because the trader can review any sections of the CD at any time for an ongoing learning experience. We incorporate accelerated learning techniques for a complete and comprehensive learning experience. High Probability Trading Strategies Book Dynamic Trading Multimedia E-Learning Workshop The Complete Price Tutorial Series The Art of Trading a Correction Good morning my swing trading minions The swing trading strategies watch list for today is a little light. There were 89 stocks that came up during my breakout scan but not ONE was worth mentioning or adding to the watch list. If there is nothing to trade, then you trade nothing. You dont ever force trades just because the pickings are thin I try to stick to Breakout Plays for the most part as I like that swing trade strategy the most. They are stocks that have picked a direction already and, with the right technical analysis, have a high chance of continuing further upwards. However, you have to take what the market gives you and right now, its not giving me any breakout plays to watch. My next scan when the breakout plays gives me nothing (or the market has had a pullback) is the TAZ scan 8212 Traders Action Zone Strategy . CTB. Nice retracement into the TAZ with a higher low and a higher high. The latest candle is red, but it is still a confirmation nonetheless. Notice where the tail of the hammer stops, a previous resistance area You have a clear stop below the hammer, underneath the trendline. The volume on the hammer day isnt great, as you would want a higher volume day on a potential reversal candle, so that is something to keep in mind (some might say it isnt a true hammer because of the short top wick, well, Im not that picky) And that is todays watch list. Horribly short, wasnt it Well, that is the nature of the game. Right now, the markets are incredibly volatile. They always are but this is a period in which the trend is seriously in question. With no clear set-ups, its often best to sit on your hands and just watch the market. OR do what I do and carry on with your life and DONT watch the markets, haha. Thats why I swing trade, because I dont want to watch them like a hawk every day. I come back in the morning, or the afternoon and I get an idea of what the market has done andor wants to do in the short term. 3 Year Daily Chart of the Dow Jones. Its Clearly Broken the Main Trend Line. With where the market is and the uncertain of it, I am fit as a fiddle just sitting on my hands and waiting for a sign of a breakdown or a return to bullish days. Currency prediction based on a predictive algorithm. Forex Forecast: 70 Hit Ratio The left-hand graph shows June 15th 2014 currency forecast which includes both long and short recommendations. The green boxes signify long signals and the red boxes signify short signals. The bright shades denote the strongest signals. The right-hand side shows the returns of the suggested currency pairs from June 15th 2014 to September 15th 2014. Forecast Length: 3 Months (61514 91514) How to interpret this diagram: Forecast: The table on the left is the currency forecast produced by I Know Firsts algorithm. Each day, subscribers receive forecasts for six different time horizons. The currencies in the 1-month forecast may be different than those in the 1-year forecast. In the included table, only the relevant currencies have been included. A green box represents a positive forecast, while a red represents a negative forecast. The boxes are then arranged according to their respective signal and predictability values (see below for detailed definitions). Forecast Performance: The table on the right compares the actual currency performance with I Know Firsts prediction. The column titled Forecast shows which direction the algorithm predicted, and the column Change shows the actual currencys performance over the indicated time period. The Accuracy column shows a v if the algorithm correctly predicted the direction of the stock or an x if the forecast was incorrect. The I Know First Hit Ratio represents the algorithms accuracy when predicting the trend of the currency. Signal: This indicator represents the predicted movement directiontrend not a percentage or specific target price. The signal strength indicates how much the current price deviates from what the system considers an equilibrium or fair price. Predictability: This value is obtained by calculating the correlation between the current prediction and the actual asset movement for each discrete time period. The algorithm then averages the results of all the prediction points, while giving more weight to recent performance. As the machine keeps learning, the values of P generally increase. If you are a forex scalper, you might want to take a look at this Forex Scalper System that is being disclosed free by a pro trader Ahmad. Ahmad has been trading for a number of years now. He recently disclosed his forex scalper system free. His scalper system uses only two indicators that are available freely on the MT4 platform. He wants to help the new and the struggling traders by disclosing his scalping system. This is what Ahmad says about his forex scalper system: Click Here to Download A GREAT Trading Tool and Strategy For FREE The forex scalper system being used by Ahmad makes 50-100 pips daily with 1-2 trades. Many scalpers make the mistake of overtrading. Overtading is fatal in the long run as it will fatigue you and you are prone to make more mistakes when you overtrade. Making 1-2 trades daily should be easy. However on the 15 minute chart, you can easily make 30-100 pips per scalp trade. So you dont need to overtrade like most of the scalpers who are trading on the 1 minute and the 15 minute charts. The forex scalper system disclosed by Ahmad can also be used on the 5 minute chart but according to him 15 minute timeframe is the best timeframe to trade. Foreign exchange investors may use ATR in order to evaluate marketplace volatility. Investors ought to make use of bigger halts as well as revenue focuses on because ATR raises. Reading through ATR could be doable by using the actual ATR within pips sign. ATR (Average True Range) is definitely an readable specialized sign made to study marketplace volatility. Whenever a Trader understands how you can study ATR, they are able to make use of present volatility in order to evaluate the actual keeping cease as well as restrict purchases upon current jobs. These days all of us may check out ATR as well as how you can put it on to the buying and selling. Binary options are an alternative way to play the foreign currency (forex) market for traders. Although they are a relatively expensive way to trade forex compared with the leveraged spot forex trading offered by a growing number of brokers, the fact that the maximum potential loss is capped and known in advance is a major advantage of binary options. But first, what are binary options. They are options with a binary outcome, i. D. h. they either settle at a pre-determined value (generally 100) or 0. This settlement value depends on whether the price of the asset underlying the binary option is trading above or below the strike price by expiration. Binary options can be used to speculate on the outcomes of various situations, such as will the SP 500 rise above a certain level by tomorrow or next week, will this weeks jobless claims be higher than the market expects, or will the euro or yen decline against the US dollar today Say gold is trading at 1,195 per troy ounce currently and you are confident that it will be trading above 1,200 later that day. Assume you can buy a binary option on gold trading at or above 1,200 by that days close, and this option is trading at 57 (bid)60 (offer). You buy the option at 60. If gold closes at or above 1,200, as you had expected, your payout will be 100, which means that your gross gain (before commissions) is 40 or 66.7. On the other hand, if gold closes below 1,200, you would lose your 60 investment, for a 100 loss. Buyers and Sellers of Binary Options For the buyer of a binary option, the cost of the option is the price at which the option is trading. For the seller of a binary option, the cost is the difference between 100 and the option price and 100. From the buyers perspective, the price of a binary option can be regarded as the probability that the trade will be successful. Therefore, the higher the binary option price, the greater the perceived probability of the asset price rising above the strike. From the sellers perspective, the probability is 100 minus the option price. All binary option contracts are fully collateralized, which means that both sides of a specific contract the buyer and seller have to put up capital for their side of the trade. So if a contract is trading at 35, the buyer pays 35, and the seller pays 65 (100 - 35). This is the maximum risk of the buyer and seller, and equals 100 in all cases. Thus the risk-reward profile for the buyer and seller in this instance can be stated as follows: Buyer Maximum risk 35 Maximum reward 65 (100 - 35) Seller Maximum risk 65 Maximum reward 35 (100 - 65) Binary Options on Forex Binary options on forex are available from exchanges like Nadex. which offers them on the most popular pairs such as USD-CAD, EUR-USD and USD-JPY, as well as on a number of other widely traded currency pairs. These options are offered with expirations ranging from intraday to daily and weekly. The tick size on spot forex binaries from Nadex is 1, and the tick value is 1. The intraday forex binary options offered by Nadex expire hourly, while the daily ones expire at certain set times throughout the day. The weekly binary options expire at 3 p. m. on Friday. In the frenetic world of forex, how is the expiration value calculated For forex contracts, Nadex takes the midpoint prices of the last 25 trades in the forex market, eliminates the highest five and lowest five prices, and then takes the arithmetic average of the remaining 15 prices. From December 15, 2014, for forex contracts, Nadex has proposed to take the last 10 midpoint prices in the underlying market, remove the highest three and lowest three prices, and take the arithmetic average of the remaining four prices. Lets use the EUR-USD currency pair to demonstrate how binary options can be used to trade forex. We use a weekly option that will expire at 3 p. m. on Friday, or four days from now. Assume the current exchange rate is EUR 1 USD 1.2440. Consider the following two scenarios: (a) You believe the euro is unlikely to weaken by Friday, and should stay above 1.2425. The binary option EURUSDgt1.2425 is quoted at 49.0055.00. You buy 10 contracts for a total of 550 (excluding commissions). At 3 p. m. on Friday, the euro is trading at USD 1.2450. Your binary option settles at 100, giving you a payout of 1,000. Your gross gain (before taking commissions into account) is 450, or approximately 82. However, if the euro had closed below 1.2425, you would lose your entire 550 investment, for a 100 loss. (b) You are bearish on the euro and believe it could decline by Friday, say to USD 1.2375. The binary option EURUSDgt1.2375 is quoted at 60.0066.00. Since you are bearish on the euro, you would sell this option. Your initial cost to sell each binary option contract is therefore 40 (100 - 60). Assume you sell 10 contracts, and receive a total of 400. At 3 p. m. on Friday, lets say the euro is trading at 1.2400. Since the euro closed above the strike price of 1.2375 by expiration, you would lose the full 400 or 100 of your investment. What if the euro had closed below 1.2375, as you had expected In that case, the contract would settle at 100, and you would receive a total of 1,000 for your 10 contracts, for a gain of 600 or 150. Additional Basic Strategies You do not have to wait until contract expiration to realize a gain on your binary option contract. For instance, if by Thursday, assume the euro is trading in the spot market at 1.2455, but you are concerned about the possibility of a decline in the currency if US economic data to be released on Friday are very positive. Your binary option contract (EURUSDgt1.2425), which was quoted at 49.0055.00 at the time of your purchase is now at 7580. You therefore sell the 10 option contracts you had purchased at 55 each, for 75, and book a total profit of 200 or 36. You can also put on a combination trade for lower risklower reward. Lets consider the USDJPY binary option to illustrate. Assume your view is that volatility in the yen which is trading at 118.50 to the dollar could increase significantly, and it could trade above 119.75 or decline below 117.25 by Friday. You therefore buy 10 binary option contracts USDJPYgt119.75, trading at 29.5035.50 and also sell 10 binary option contracts USDJPYgt117.25, trading at 66.5072.00. Therefore, you pay 35.50 to buy the USDJPYgt119.75 contract, and 33.50 (i. e. 100 - 66.50) to sell the USDJPYgt117.25 contract. Your total cost is thus 690 (355 335). Three possible scenarios arise by option expiration at 3 p. m. on Friday: The yen is trading above 119.75. In this case, the USDJPYgt119.75 contract has a payout of 100, while the USDJPYgt117.25 contract expires worthless. Your total payout is 1,000, for a gain of 310 or about 45. The yen is trading below 117.25. In this case, the USDJPYgt117.25 contract has a payout of 100, while the USDJPYgt119.75 contract expires worthless. Your total payout is 1,000, for a gain of 310 or about 45. The yen is trading between 117.25 and 119.75. In this case, both contracts expire worthless and you loss the full 690 investment. The Bottom Line Binary options have a couple of drawbacks: the upside or total reward is limited even if the asset price spikes up, and a binary option is a derivative product with a finite time to expiration. On the other hand, binary options have a number of advantages that make them especially useful in the volatile world of forex: the risk is limited (even if the asset prices spikes up), collateral required is quite low, and they can be used even in flat markets that are not volatile. 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Trading game binary options trading commodity futures option strategy watchdog statistic tells offers are past losers and techniques ebook: they are the best futures spread trading strategies books best futures trading forex kindle edition by successful. The dow jones e mini futures and effective Learn Forex: The ADX Indicator Is a Power Tool for Trading Trends Entering into a fading or weakening trend is one of the most frustrating things a trader can encounter. Many traders have strategies for trend entry but if a trend has run its course and is weakening then it is of no use to you regardless of the entry set-ups. Combining the Average Directional Index or ADX with a Trend Entry strategy can help you trade breakouts and pullbacks with higher probability. The ADX is used to qualify and quantify trend strength. The approach and display is very simple. The ADX filter can have very beneficial effects on your trading results. The indicator measures only strength but not directional bias. This allows the trader to choose the strongest trends to enter and let profits run when the trend is strong as per the ADX. The GBPJPY shows an uptrend on the chart with multiple entries as the ADX indicator on the bottom shows a majority of readings above the strong trend level. The red line was added as a reference point of when the indicator shows a strong trend. To filter the trend strength, we recommend looking for trend entries only when the ADX is above 25. ADX Rule: When trading trends, the ADX rises when the trend is strong. When the trend is weak, ADX drops. This table will guide you through translating ADX values to trend strength. ADX is not a directional indicator, only a Trend Strength identifier. Much like the RPM on a car doesnt tell you the speed, only the force. ADX is the same behind the trend. For directional bias, we recommend combining indicators to find pullbacks in the direction of the overall trend or breakouts with the ADX. This will combine higher probability set ups with a strengthening trend. Entering Strong Trends Rule one for a lot of traders is that you can control the risk but not the market. Another rule is to only enter the higher probability set ups that match your trading profile. Using the ADX allows you to filter a current potential trade to see if the entry is worth the risk. ADX is the filter we will use to determine whether a down move is worth entering on a sell trade. ADX will also be used in the same manner to grasp if an up move is worth entering on a buy trade. Either way the ADX will break through 25 to tell us that a strong trend is in play. This current USDCAD set up shows us the beginnings of another potential strong down move. Here are the tools at use on the chart above: - ADX for filtering Trend Strength - Fibonacci Retracement for support in a downtrend - Stochastic for price turning back down from overbought levels First and foremost, we will keep our eye on the ADX to push through 25. When the ADX breaks through 25, we have the indicators invitation to enter in the direction of the overall trend. The USDCAD overall trend on the daily chart is downward. Because the ADX isnt there yet, well wait for the set up to develop. Fibonacci retracements are a popular tool to identify potential levels with horizontal lines to indicate counter move exhaustion. In other words, support in a downtrend is potentially at one of these levels and when price bounces off these levels we can look to enter off that resistance point in a downtrend. A favorite of many traders is the 50 level of any move. This 50 principle states that if a move, after all its variations in price, can hold the halfway level, theres a good chance the overall trend will prevail. If the market cannot hold 50 of its move, then it may break down and reverse the overall trend. We can see above that the market held the 50 level and is looking to move back down. If the ADX breaks through we have another confirmation. The last indicator we will use is the slow stochastic oscillator (SSD). This momentum indicator compares a currencies closing price to its price range over a given time period in a range of 0-100. The 80 level shows an overbought reading and the 20 level shows an oversold reading. You can adjust the time period of the indicator to reduce the stochastics sensitivity to market movements. During a downtrend, prices tend to close near their lows. Slow stochastic signals occur in a downtrend when the indicator turns down below 80 after a temporary upswing in the market. This shows higher probability entries. These two indicators were added to the ADX to show you the flexibility allowed to the trader with this indicator. In the end, the ADX quantifies trend strength so you know if this is a trade worth entering based on your money management rules. The ADX allows you to combine the indicators you are already comfortable with to ensure youre only trading the strongest trends. This can keep you out of choppy markets when your objective is letting your profits run on a trend. ---Written by Tyler Yell, Trading Instructor To contact Tyler, email tyellfxcm. To be added to Tylers e-mail distribution list, please click here. Unsure which indicators match up with your skill set Take our Forex Trader IQ Course to receive a custom learning path for how to trade FX. DailyFX bietet Forex-Nachrichten und technische Analysen zu den Trends, die die globalen Währungsmärkte beeinflussen. OneStepRemoved offers its programming services for NinjaTrader 7. We work with a wide range of customers: businesses selling products within NinjaTrader IBs and CTAs building products for their customers and individual traders. Build your NinjaTrader Strategy The First Step To Building Your Strategy Communication Most traders dont care about C NinjaScript programming or software development. Your focus is on trading. Its our job to take your idea and turn it into a working strategy. Dont feel like you have to write your strategy in computer speak or pseudo code if youre not comfortable doing so. Instead, pretend like youre emailing a trading buddy. Write a quick email to x69110fx6fx40onx65115tx65x70rex6d111vx65x6446cx6fx6d. That email will help me understand what you hope to accomplish. If your strategy isnt clear, thats ok. I speak English and Im not shy about asking questions. Neither are any of my programmers. Its one of the benefits of working with an American company that has a real phone number and responds within one business day. You should also watch the YouTube video posted below. It explains some of the more common issues encountered when communicating a strategy. NinjaTrader programming conversation starters Which indicators does your strategy use When should you enter the market with a buy and sell trade When should you exit What forex money management options do you want to use Sometimes, the hardest part of building a strategy is not the programming its the communicating and testing. Heres how a typical project (less than 10 hours) goes: The customer tries to explain the concept for the strategy. 1-2 weeks. The actual programming work. A maximum of 5 business days. The customer tries to explain problems that he has never explained before. We fix them and send a new version. The cycle repeats. 2-4 weeks The Scope of Work Once the strategy concept reaches a certain point of clarity, the project manager will send you a scope of work (SOW). The SOW attempts to bridge the gap between Explaining a trading strategy in clear English Structuring the explanation so that a programmer can pick it up, read it once or twice, and immediately start programming The structure of the SOW reflects the idea of a checklist: I know to enter the market when items x, y and z are checked off. You can also think of those items as evaluating to true or false. If theyre all true, then the strategy should enter a trade. If not, then the strategy does not need to do anything. Take a look at a sample SOW written for a triple moving average crossover robot. Although the strategy is simple, you will get a feel for how the document flows and how it may apply to your trading idea. The project manager creates the SOW to confirm his understanding. In effect, he parrots the strategy back to you. Its our way of saying, Yes, we understand the work that you want us to do before we accept any form of payment. It also presents the opportunity to correct any mistakes before they actually happen. The project manager does a lot of the mental heavy lifting. That said, you are the person with the fully formed idea in their head. You may find yourself strained at some point to translate thoughts from your brain into a format that others can follow. There are no shortcuts it is best that you approach the subject with a great deal of patience. NinjaTrader Strategy and Custom Indicator Delivery Delivery of the initial strategy or custom indicator takes 5 business days from the date of payment, unless specified otherwise. OneStepRemoved uses an email ticketing system for delivering and testing the programming project files. Customers are automatically registered and receive their strategy or indicator as an email attachment. You can send as many messages as need without worrying about cluttering the inbox. 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This is a great program and really goes a long way for testing systems. Forex monitoring software free download - FxLogger 1.21 Journal trades done in Forex. An automatic and automated forex trading system allows you to. Forex monitoring software free download - FxLogger 1.21 Journal trades done in Forex. An automatic and automated forex trading system allows you to. Basic knowledge of stock trading Install forex demo What are the best stock to buy. the trading strategies used in options The little book of currency trading free. pdf download Sgx put option Diary of a forex trader Free trading forex system. Forex Calculators Position Size, Pip Value, Margin, Swap and Profit Calculator Position Size Calculator: As a forex trader, sometimes you have to make some calculations. One of the most important thing that you have to calculate is the position size. To follow the money management rules, you have to know how much risk you are taking in each position, and to do that, you should be able to calculate your position size based on your account balance and the trade stop loss size. The below calculator makes the work much easier and faster. Please also read my money management article to learn more about this important topic: Pip Value Calculator: Use the below calculator to know how much money each pip makes for you while trading different currency pairs : Use the below calculator to know how much margin is required for each position: Swap. Rollover or Interest Calculator: Use the below calculator to know how much swap you have to pay or you will receive for trading different currency pairs: Use the below calculator to know how much money you will make trading different currency pair: Perhaps the best free forex trading strategy I know is the Bladerunner and combined with price action it may just be the easiest to trade. Update 28 May 2013: the technical basics of this strategy remain unchanged, but I have started using the forex polarity indicator a combination of the Bollinger mid-band and the 20 EMA to trade it. There are other minor differences which you will notice if you read the Bladerunner trading blogs, but the essentials are the same: the Bladerunner remains a simple EMA trading strategy. For completeness, I give an example of trading the Bladerunner using the polarity indicator at the end of this article. The Bladerunner is a forex price action strategy trading strategy that uses pure Price Action to find entries. We use candlesticks, pivot points, round numbers and good old support and resistance levels when trading this strategy. No off-chart indicators (those appearing below the chart window in their own window, e. g. RSI, stochastics, MACD etc) are necessary, but you may include your favourite if you find it useful or feel more comfortable having some extra confirmation. Some people might wish to incorporate Fibonacci levels and thats fine, too. The only indicator I do use with this strategy is an on-chart indicator, the 20 EMA. An alternative is to use the midline of the standard 20 Bollinger bands. Either works well, in fact you can use both to trade it as a Bollinger band EMA strategy. The examples here will be using the 20 EMA. This setup can be traded on any pair. It can also be traded on any time frame, but the examples below are from 5 min charts. It can be traded at almost any time of the day, but obviously some times are more reliable than others. For example, the early part of the Asian session may provide a decent break out and retest giving an entry, whereas the Asian afternoon session can be very slow. Then, when London opens the price may be too erratic and volatile to give any reasonable entries for any strategy. Later again, after the initial flurry of news announcements has passed and price has settled. you may once more get a reliable entry or two. You will therefore have to adjust this strategy to the times when you are able to trade it. The strategy is named Bladerunner because the 20 EMA acts like a knife edge dividing price. If price is above the EMA, and respecting it, and retests the EMA, it will likely reject to the long side. And if price is below the EMA, and respecting it, and retests the EMA, it will likely reject to the short side. A few examples might help to clarify: Bladerunner pic 1 Bladerunner pic 2 Bladerunner pic 3 If price is below the 20 EMA, our bias is short and we would be looking for price to move up and hit the 20 EMA, reject and then move down. However, if price pierces the 20 EMA and closes convincingly above it, we deem price to have switched polarity and now our bias changes to long. (This can be seen occurring at the right of the above picture). From now on we would be looking for price to move down and hit the 20 EMA, reject and then move up. Bladerunner pic 4 Essential entry parameters for this setup are: Price must break out of consolidation or a range prior to entry, i. D. h. it must be trending Price must then retest the 20 EMA successfully What constitutes a successful retest If price is above the EMA it must bounce from and stay above the EMA and vice versa for when price is below the EMA. More specifically: The first candle that touches the EMA should close on the same side of the EMA as it approached it from. This then becomes the signal candle. Price has now rejected from the EMA and we are looking to see if the next candle confirms the move. If the next candle continues the move away from the EMA then this candle becomes the confirmatory candle. This is a simple way to trade the strategy if you want to play it safer you could insist on a recognisable forex candlestick pattern occurring to confirm the trade. n. B. if the Bladerunner seems simplistic, it is because forex price action and current fundamentals are factored into trading decisions. No entry is ever taken based purely on price having rejected from the 20 EMA. Always look for a confluence of reasons to enter the trade. For example, its safer to have more than just a rejection from the 20 EMA. Ideally, you would like to see this happening at the same place as an old support resistance level, pivot level or other significant price impact point. Always be on the lookout for impending news announcements when trading this setup, especially on the lower time frame charts. I generally will not enter any trade within 30 to 45 mins before a scheduled news event, and will always wait at least 15 mins after the event before considering a trade. Always trade with the direction of the current trend, as determined by which side of the EMA or polarity indicator price is currently on. (Note: the following parameters call for spreading your entry across two orders, but nowadays I have found that it is simpler for me to just enter one positionorder per trade. However, many traders prefer to have their trade split across two positions, as this enables them more flexibility in their exits.) A suggested approach is to open 2 orders when trading this strategy. The orders are as follows: For a long entry: 2 buy stop orders are placed with entry 2 pips above the confirmatory candle. Orders expire at the start of a new candle. For example, if entering limit orders on the five-minute chart, those orders will expire at the start of the next five-minute candle, unless they have already been filled by price action on the current five-minute candle. The stop loss is placed 2 pips below the signal candle that touched the 20 EMA. This particular rule is not set in stone, you may place the stop behind a recent swing point if you believe that would give a more realistic stop size. The take profit for the first order is set at an amount equivalent to the risk in pips. For example, if the risk in the trade is 20 pips, the first orders take profit target will be set at 20 pips. The take profit for the second order is set at an amount equivalent to double the risk in pips. So, to use the above example, the take profit on the second order would be set at 40 pips. For a short entry: 2 sell stop orders are placed with entry 2 pips below the confirmatory candle. Orders expire at the start of a new candle. For example, if entering limit orders on the five-minute chart, those orders will expire at the start of the next five-minute candle, unless they have already been filled by price action on the current five-minute candle. The stop loss is placed 2 pips above the signal candle that touched the 20 EMA. This particular rule is not set in stone, I may place the stop behind a recent swing point if I believe that would give a more realistic stop size. The take profit for the first order is set at an amount equivalent to the risk in pips. For example, if the risk in the trade is 20 pips, the first orders take profit target will be set at 20 pips. The take profit for the second order is set at an amount equivalent to double the risk in pips. So, to use the above example, the take profit on the second order would be set at 40 pips. Once price has moved in favour of the trade by an amount equivalent to the initial risk. one of the orders is closed (due to its reaching take profit 1 level) and the stop loss on the remaining order is moved to breakeven. Using the above examples, once price moves 20 pips in favour of the trade, the first order is closed and the stop loss on the remaining order is set to breakeven. This remaining orders stop is then left at breakeven until the market closes the trade, either by reaching the profit target or by stopping out at breakeven. Again, this rule is not set in stone: there may be times when you may wish to continue trailing the stop beyond breakeven, for example, when a news announcement is imminent. Trading the Bladerunner Using the Forex Polarity Indicator The forex polarity indicator can be downloaded free from the members section of AuthenticFX (membership is free, use the signup form on any page at top right). This is my personal favourite indicator for trading this strategy. It is used much the same as if you were using the Bollinger mid-band or the 20 EMA. The band or ribbon or stream formed by the two indicators combined, gives you a little more to work with, in my opinion. As an example, take a look at the chart below: Bladerunner Trade Using Forex Polarity Indicator The yellow stream is the forex polarity indicator, consisting of the 20 EMA and the Bollinger mid-band plotted together. These settings are configurable for those who like to experiment. The white circle indicates a morning star forming at the polarity indicator. Had you only been using one or the other of the individual indicators, you may have deemed this not to be a valid signal as it may not have actually touched it. This is one advantage to using the polarity indicator. Personally, I just prefer it as a visual representation to take my bearings from. So, thats a wrap for the Bladerunner. Hope you enjoyed it, and if you do decide to trade it Im sure you will find it a fascinating, easy and hopefully, profitable forex trading strategy You may now wish to consider our next free forex strategy: the Daily Fibonacci Scalp Trade How To Choose the Best Forex Brokers How to Select the Best Forex Brokers There are many tips to help you select the best forex brokers. 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Best Forex Broker List Best Forex Brokers Finding a reliable forex broker that meets your requirements is often times the hardest and most important part of becoming a successful forex trader. The amount of scam brokers out there doesnt make things any easier, that is why we here at ForexFBI are providing our users with this table. This will allow you to compare, filter and research just about every major brokerage out there. Each broker can be individually rated once by each unique visitor. You can also click on the brokers name to go to its respected full detailed review page where you will find user comments about experiences theyve had with that broker, or feel free to leave a comment yourself. Investment Trends, 2014 Australia CFD FX Report: Highest Overall Client Satisfaction and 1 in Customer Service The 2014 Australia CFD and FX Report by Investment Trends. a specialist financial services research agency, also saw OANDA Asia Pacific receive the highest average client satisfaction ratings for Reliability of Trading Platform, Ease of Use of Platform, Efficiency of Taking Trades, Reporting of Positions and Transactions, Range of Research Tools, Spreads, Commissions, and Margin Requirements. The results are based on a survey of more than 10,600 traders and investors in Singapore. Investment Trends, 2014 Singapore CFD FX Report: Market share outcomes: No. 1 FX Broker by primary market share, and No.1 FX Broker for High-Value Clients by primary market share. Awards (based on client satisfaction): Highest Overall Client Satisfaction, Best Value for Money, Best Customer Service, Best Educational Materials, and Best Mobile Platform. The 2014 Singapore CFD and FX Report by Investment Trends. a specialist financial services research agency, also saw OANDA Asia Pacific receive the highest average client satisfaction ratings for Reliability of Trading Platform, Ease of Use of Platform, Efficiency of Taking Trades, Reporting of Positions and Transactions, Range of Research Tools, Spreads, Commissions, and Margin Requirements. The results are based on a survey of more than 10,600 traders and investors in Singapore. Investment Trends, 2014 UK Leveraged Trading Report: Highest Overall Client Satisfaction, Best Value for Money, Best Customer Service, and Best Research Tools. Investment Trends 160a specialist financial services research agency, ranked OANDA No. 1 for Highest Overall Customer Satisfaction and Best Value for Money. The awards are based on a survey of 12,291 American investors. 2014 UK Forex Awards, 160Best Value Forex Broker and Best Forex Media Resource. The UK Forex Awards 160endeavour to reward those companies championing cutting-edge technology, low-cost trading, comprehensive market research tools, advanced educational programmes and world-class customer service. Forex traders and the private investment community cast their votes for the companies that they feel are the best performing in the UK forex markets. Investment Trends, 2014 U. S. FX Report: Highest Overall Customer Satisfaction and Best Value for Money. Investment Trends 160a specialist financial services research agency, ranked OANDA No. 1 for Highest Overall Customer Satisfaction and Best Value for Money. The awards are based on a survey of 12,291 American investors. Investment Trends, 2013 UK Leveraged Trading Report, Best Value for Moneyand Best Customer Service. Investment Trends 160a specialist financial services research agency, ranked OANDA No. 1 for in four key areas in forex. The awards are based on a survey conducted by Investment Trends that received responses from 13,185 traders and investors in the UK. Investment Trends, 2013 Singapore CFD FX Report, Best Value for Money and Best Customer Service. Investment Trends 160a specialist financial services research agency, ranked OANDA No. 1 for Best Customer Service, as well as Best Value for Money in forex. The awards are based on a survey conducted by Investment Trends that received responses from 10,150 traders and investors in Singapore. Investment Trends, 2013 US FX Report, Best Value for Money.160 Investment Trends 160a specialist financial services research agency, ranked OANDA No. 1 for Best Value for Money in forex. The awards are based on a survey conducted by Investment Trends that received responses from 11,500 traders and investors in the USA. International Finance Magazine, Brokerage Awards 2013, Best Trade Execution Provider, Best Retail Trading Platform, and Best Mobile Trading Platform. International Finance Magazine (IFM) was established with a mission to convey credible financial news and articles to the global financial community in a concise, simple and easy-to-understand manner. The IMF awards shine the spotlight on organisations in niche segments and those that exhibit brilliance in the unsung corners of the finance industry. World Finance Forex Awards 2013. 160 Best Broker Canada160160and Best Broker Latin America 160 World Finance 160is the largest and most successful trading fair in Germany. Annually, the World of Trading Awards elevate the broker landscape recognizing those brokers who excel in the categories of service, product and platform. In 2013, OANDA was honoured as the third best FX broker. Financial Times and Investors Chronicle, 2012 Investment Awards, Best Forex Provider The Financial Times is one of the worlds leading business news and information organizations, recognized internationally for its authority, integrity and accuracy. The award recognizes OANDA as one of the industrys best forex brokers. providing an innovative forex trading platform and comprehensive trade decision support tools designed to help investors make informed trading decisions. Investment Trends. 2012 Singapore CFD FX Report, Highest Overall Client Satisfaction and Value for Money Investment Trends. a specialist financial services research agency, ranked OANDA No. 1 for the third year running for Highest Overall Client Satisfaction, and also awarded OANDA best Value for Money in forex. Die Awards basieren auf einer Umfrage von Investment Trends, die Reaktionen von 11.762 Händlern und Investoren in Singapur erhielt. Forex Magnates, a specialized forex news source and trading research firm, hosted an industry summit where OANDA was awarded Best Forex Broker by a panel of 15 judges made up of the industrys top executives and consultants, including CEOs of forex brokerages, banks, technology companies, and liquidity providers. The award recognizes OANDAs industry-leading forex and CFD trading platform and comprehensive trade decision support tools designed to help investors make informed trading decisions. International Business Times. 2012 IBTimes Trading Awards. Best Global Forex Broker Global news leader International Business Times prestigious 2012 IBTimes Trading Awards winners are based on a survey collected over six months that polls IBTimes readers about their trading experiences. For the second consecutive year, OANDA has won the Best Global Forex Broker title. IBTimes survey participants ranked brokers speed of execution, trading platform performance, the quality and reliability of their finance departments, and overall satisfaction. Read the press release . Investment Trends. 2011 Singapore Foreign Exchange Report. Best Platform Trading Features and Highest Overall Client Satisfaction Investment Trends. a global financial services market research firm, ranked OANDA Asia-Pacific as its no. 1 forex broker for Best Trading Platform Features and Highest Overall Client Satisfaction in its 2011 Singapore Foreign Exchange Report. The report analyzes how traders and investors rate the leading forex and CFD providers. The annual awards were decided on by input from approximately 12,000 traders and investors in Singapore. Read the press release . Best Forex Brokers Forex-ratings is proud of its consistent 9-years work of defining and featuring the best forex brokers, their strong and weak points, to help our visitors decide which forex company suits their demands best. To rate the strengths and weaknesses of the forex brokers, we look at a wide range of parameters. Our tailored search and compare tool allows getting the best choice depending on a forex traders level, preferred currency pairs, trading platform preference, need of in-depth forex education, and more. Check our Forex Rating Methodology for detail. What is Forex-Ratings First and foremost, it is a huge and unique forex knowledgebase with a long operational history. The site has been launched in 2006 and since then it keeps on its steady daily work collecting and systemizing information about various aspects of forex market and top-rated forex brokers. September 2015 Top Forex Brokers: When Perseverance Rewards Forex-Ratings on an ongoing basis keeps on collecting and sharing latest forex news and updates with its community. Since 2006 we continuously trace performance of the leading fx brokerages of the present day. August 2015 Top Forex Brokers: Outguess Them If You Can The present review deals with the top positioned forex companies as of August 2015. The Top list is presented in a combination and consequence defined by the Forex-Ratings voting community. Compared to July 2015, August Top10 has been 30 renewed. July 2015 Top Forex Brokers: Setting Pace of the Race Forex-Ratings is a forex and binary options knowledge base tracking its history from 2006. It is addressed to currency traders, financial consultants, analysts, and writers. Our community consists of those who are willing to share their fx expertise and to make currency trading more beneficial, comprehensible and transparent. June 2015 Top Forex Brokers: Look Whos Coming Forex-Ratings is a knowledgebase with years of experience in collecting and systematizing data on the brokers activities in the global forex and binary options markets. Our rangy and diverse professional data array is constantly in demand with forex traders as well as financial experts, analysts and writers. Forex-Ratings community consists of active traders and industry professionals who are willing to bring their findings to the limelight and to make forex trading more comprehensive, transparent and profitable. May 2015 Top Forex Brokers: Assertive Games or the Moment of Truth Forex-Ratings is a unique forex knowledge base that has kept steadily growing for almost ten years now and can provide reliable answers on various aspects of forex brokers performance and forex trading in general. In our work we continuously keep up with high standards of operational transparency and objectiveness, and our top-notch rating platform features pioneering evaluation instruments. April 2015 Top Forex Brokers: Test of Strength Compared to the previous voting month of March, in April the Top10 Forex-Ratings voting chart has been 20 renewed: HY Markets and Tickmill are out of the best of the best list this time being replaced by the Top10 newcomers. Investment Service S. T. A. R. (Short Term Assets Revenue) is the advanced analogue of PAMM platform that allows investors to choose the best fund manager from the S. T. A. R. ranking and to invest capitals into a S. T. A. R. account operated by a particular fund manager. You can invest or become S. T. A. R. manager or both The main advantages of S. T. A. R. investment platform are: investor can set an individual stop-loss order for each investment the unique automatic equity balancing system for fund managers diversification of investments. Forex-Ratings is an online evaluation platform and knowledgebase that traces its history from 2006. We constantly keep to the principle of objectivity in our day-by-day monitoring of the global financial markets and their trends. At any given moment we have a ready and well-warranted answer on which forex companies are currently in the lead on the forex market, and which have climbed down and for which reason. Top February 2015 Forex Brokers: In the Thick of the Fight Forex-Ratings is a forex and binary options knowledgebase worked out for currency traders, financial consultants, analysts, journalists. Our community consists of those who are willing to share their fx expertise and to make currency trading market more transparent, easy-to-understand and rewarding. Forex Rating January Results: Cool Midwinter Performance Since 2006 Forex-Ratings calls upon forex brokers and active fx traders to share their standpoints, opinions, critical and positive vision of the currency exchange industry. Our site aggregates numerous statements regarding trading with various forex brokerages, quality of services that they offer, trading strategies and other aspects related to currency and binary trading. We permanently stick to the principles of all-round representation of opinions related to forex. As ever since its launch in 2006, Forex-Ratings keeps up with high interactivity standards. We offer pioneering evaluation instruments, and our main principles are transparency and objectiveness. November 2014 Voting Results: Tough Dispute and Showdown Since 2006 Forex-Ratings continuously and accurately records strong and weak points of performance by forex companies working on the global market. October 2014 Forex Rating Voting Results: Newcomers Amidst Tough Fight We at Forex-Ratings see our mission in objective and continuous monitoring of the global forex market and its ever-changing leaders. Remarkably, within years some brokerages have gained extremely reliable reputation due to their stable performance, transparent trading conditions and competent client services. Get FXCM New to Forex Trading Guide when you sign-up for a FREE 50k practice account. The guide will explain what the forex market is and why to trade it, as well as the numerous advantages it offers and how it differs from traditional markets. The guide will also help you learn the simple steps and skills you need to make your first trade and become a forex trader. Get started and sign up today Forex-Ratings community comprises active traders, financial consultants, analysts, bloggers - those who know forex market and volunteer to make it more comprehensible, transparent and user friendly. August Forex Rating Results: Great Prizes to Strive For Forex-Ratings is a site opening the floor to forex brokers and active fx traders speaking in first person. Our site collects multiple points of view on forex trading, quality of services, trading strategies and other aspects related to currency and binary trading. We at all times adhere to the principles of all-round representation of opinions related to forex, which are multiple and diverse. July Forex Rating Results: Fortune Favors the Bold Forex-Ratings is a hub featuring actual data on most of the forex brokers acting on the market, reputable companies with long history as well as new brokers breaking in with alluring proposals and generous promotions. Forex-Ratings is the source where one can at any time find lots of detail regarding practically any fx broker of interest and to decide whether the broker is reliable enough to trade with. June 2014 Forex Rating Results: Turf Battle Goes On Strong Forex-Ratings sees its mission in careful and continuous tracking of monthly performance results of forex companies currently working on the global currency markets. May 2014 Forex Rating Results: Newbies Storm the Hill We at Forex-Ratings take pride in our special interactive platform. Our user-friendly assessment system is designated for individuals of all levels of forex trading experience. April 2014 Voting Results: Market Leaders Going Strong Forex-Ratings hosts a broad community of active forex and binary options traders who post reviews on brokers and discuss various aspects of the industry. New visitors are always welcome to bring new blood to our social club. Forex-Ratings interactive platform is operating since 2006, and has already gathered vast amount of data on forex market. March Voting Results: Stability Above All Forex-Ratings adheres to the principles of objectivity, taking into consideration multiple and diverse opinions of the visitors of our site. Forex-Ratings was set in its present form in as long ago as 2006, and since then we keep on constantly working on adding new knowledge about forex markets to our database. February 2014 Voting Results: Operational Expertise Comes First We at Forex-Ratings are proud to feature the most recognizable brokers acting in the forex market as well as new and promising fx companies. Since 2006 Forex-Ratings continuously and diligently keeps the chronicle of the best-performing forex brokers as well as aspiring novices of the FX industry. Which FX Brokers to Pin Hopes On in 2014 December 2013 Overview This review analyzes voting results and broker preferences of the Forex Ratings community in December 2013. November 2013 Voting Results: Uneasy Balance of Powers Forex-Ratings invites new visitors to join our community in order to assert themselves and to influence the disposition of powers in our monthly rating. Forex Ratings October Voting Results: Hard-Hitting Stability We believe that forex market becomes more clear and transparent due to the activities of our site Forex Brokers September Voting Results: The Strongest Fortify Their Positions We at Forex-Ratings are proud to feature the most recognizable agents of the forex market as well as aspiring new fx companies. In the Shadow of the Strong: August 2013 Voting Results We at Forex-Ratings invite both forex freshmen and experts with years of currency trading in their background to express an unbiased opinion of the leading forex brokers of today. Newcomers Go Over the Top: July 2013 Voting Results At Forex-Ratings we provide a flexible and convenient platform allowing real-time customer evaluation of achievements and blunders of the forex market agents. All trading techniques and Expert Advisors are welcome. Download an innovative user-friendly trading platform for PC or Mobile and start practicing today Forex-Ratings stays committed to high interaction standards. Our renewable list of forex brokers features all the most worth noticing participants of the fx market of the present day. March FX Brokers Voting Results: Veterans on the Rise At forex-ratings any of our visitors is able to express their opinion upon the most important forex brokers performance of today. Each visitor is able to do so by means of voting and commenting through the site. Every opinion that is expressed at Forex Ratings matters and has its weight. The more activity is expressed by our visitors, the more clear and measurable becomes the fx market. February 2013 Voting Results: The Calm Before The Spring Rush Forex Ratings invites both beginners and experienced traders to express their opinion on the key fx brokers of the present day, and to vote foragainst any company featured on the list. Our community determines which companies are currently the best providers of financial and investment services, and which have degraded in performance compared to the previous months. Best Forex Brokers Here at fxBrokerSearch were committed to bringing traders the best Forex brokers in the world and outlining exactly what benefits they offer. Playing the currency exchange market can be a tricky proposition and there are number of skills the aspiring investor. s needs to master if they want to make a profit. Indeed, one of the most important is choosing the best Forex broker for their needs. An FX broker is an intermediary between the client and the currency exchange market, offering a platform to trade money under a number of conditions. Each Forex broker will offer a range of deals, resources and trading parameters and its the job of the user to determine which one is right for them. Indeed, while one broker will offer great welcome bonuses, another will keep their platform as cheap as possible with tight spreads. Such is the position of an FX broker in the currency exchange world that they must offer something unique to attract customers. Often there. s a lot of marketing jargon and hyperbole used to achieve a larger slice of the market which is one reason why fxBrokerSearch was created. Our goal is to help traders understand the foreign exchange market and, importantly, discover who the best Forex brokers are. We cut through the bluster, bore down into the raw facts and present each company in an unbiased way. Our impartial advice is coupled with expert analysis to help create a platform that allows users to compare each broker in a logical way. Our comparison table lists the top ten Forex brokers currently operating in the industry based on a range of factors, including: the spreads they offer, how many currency pairs they trade and what deposit limits they impose. Our comparisons are based on our own experience in the industry as well as the feedback provided by the trading public. fxBrokerSearchs mission isnt to sell you the best Forex brokers according to our own agenda, but present a balanced view of what. s on offer. User reviews are important to us because they help traders gain a better understanding of which sites offer the most profitable conditions. Putting all this together were able to present charts that show everyone exactly which FX brokers are best in certain areas. Looking for the top, hand-picked FOREX brokers operating in Australia TradeDirect365 CFD FOREX broker Why choose TradeDirect365 as your FX broker TradeDirect365 are doing what the other challenger brands have done before by giving Australian traders a better choice, cheaper cost and more efficient trading TradeDirect365 was developed by professional and well respected trader Davin Clarke, for traders. It came into existence because they were sick of being ripped off by excessive commissions, wide and variable spreads and unnecessary fees. In a trading environment where manipulation of prices, obscure fees (eg inactivity fees) and exorbitant overnight raising of margin requirements are the norm, TradeDirect365 is certainly the one bucking the trend TradeDirect365 hold all client funds in Australia, on trust with Westpac (a tier 1 AA rated Australian bank) on a fully segregated basis Web platform has tight 24hr fixed spreads, with NO commission, on FOREX (eg fixed 0.8 pip AUDUSD ) MT4 platform option now available with ECN pricing, straight-through processing and institutional spreads to please the FX traders MT4 platform has the very best spreads Ive ever seen on a variety of instruments. such as Germany 30 fixed at 0.8pts. UK 100 fixed at 0.7pts and, FX spreads from 0.0 pip with a commission of just 30cents per mini contract (10,000) or 3 per full size FX contract (100,000) Micro lots also available. Opening a trading account with TradeDirect365 is very easy. It literally takes a couple of minutes and they wont make you jump through a whole lot of hoops to do it From your TradeDirect365 account, youll have access to global currencies, Australian, US, European and UK share CFDs, global indices and a range of commodities TradeDirect365 trading platform was designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind, while not losing functionality Licensed CFD broker in Australia by the Australian Securities 038 Investments Commission. TradeDirect365 is a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR No. 442444) of TD 365 (AFSL No. 422661). Best Forex Brokers We only list regulated forex brokers Invest wisely safely. We strongly recommend you only deal with regulated brokers to ensure the safety of your funds. What best describes you Im new to forex trading looking to learn I would like a broker that offers plenty of support and education to help me learn the basics of forex trading. A free demo account or the ability to trade small lots whilst I learn the ropes is important. Start in our beginners section to get a crash course on the exciting world of forex trading, and find out where to open a demo account or micro account to get started. Im an intermediate trader with some experience and wanting better rates Im familiar with trading platforms and have traded regularly. Now I am looking for a broker that offers me the best spreads in the market so I can make the most out of each trade. Check out our Top 10 Best Forex Brokers list to see who weve rated as the best overall brokers for 2012 or if you are only after the lowest spreads, here is the list for the Forex Brokers with low spreads . Im an advanced trader with lots of capital looking for that VIP service Im a veteran trader who trades in large volumes. I am looking for a broker that will give me not only the best rates but also the best service for my account. We have a list of forex brokers that provide personalised service for premium clients. Check out the VIP Service Brokers list for the Top 10. Im an investor that doesnt know anything about forex I have a sum of money that I would like to invest in forex accounts, but dont know where to start. What you are looking for are either Managed Accounts or Copy Trading. Both are similar concepts in that you invest in other traders to grow your funds, but there are very subtle differences between the two. Check out both options to see what fits for you. Find the best forex broker for you Every trader is different. There is no single best forex broker that would suit everyone. Similar to banks, all brokers offer the essentials currency trading on major pairs, low spreads, charting tools and market commentary to name a few. Where they differ are in the additional services different things that matter to people in different ways. Around the clock support, deposit and withdrawal options, minor currency trading, account types, education, events, seminars, promotions, rebates and more. We try to make the process of finding your ideal broker easier by providing you with data only for regulated forex brokers. If you dont have any specific requirements, we suggest having a look at our Top 10 Best Forex Brokers the brokers on this list will provide you with most things that would be on a wishlist. If you are looking for a forex broker to meet specific conditions, try using our menu on the left. We have created as many lists as possible of various features a trader might seek in a forex broker. Always remember, the security of your finances should be the top priority. Therefore, do not sign up with or transfer funds to unlicensed unregulated brokers. A Strategy Trading 2-Day Highs Disclaimer. The Connors Group, Inc. (Company) is not an investment advisory service, nor a registered investment advisor or broker-dealer and does not purport to tell or suggest which securities or currencies customers should buy or sell for themselves. The analysts and employees or affiliates of Company may hold positions in the stocks, currencies or industries discussed here. You understand and acknowledge that there is a very high degree of risk involved in trading securities andor currencies. The Company, the authors, the publisher, and all affiliates of Company assume no responsibility or liability for your trading and investment results. Factual statements on the Companys website, or in its publications, are made as of the date stated and are subject to change without notice. It should not be assumed that the methods, techniques, or indicators presented in these products will be profitable or that they will not result in losses. Past results of any individual trader or trading system published by Company are not indicative of future returns by that trader or system, and are not indicative of future returns which be realized by you. In addition, the indicators, strategies, columns, articles and all other features of Companys products (collectively, the Information) are provided for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Examples presented on Companys website are for educational purposes only. Such set-ups are not solicitations of any order to buy or sell. Accordingly, you should not rely solely on the Information in making any investment. Rather, you should use the Information only as a starting point for doing additional independent research in order to allow you to form your own opinion regarding investments. You should always check with your licensed financial advisor and tax advisor to determine the suitability of any investment. HYPOTHETICAL OR SIMULATED PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE CERTAIN INHERENT LIMITATIONS. UNLIKE AN ACTUAL PERFORMANCE RECORD, SIMULATED RESULTS DO NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL TRADING AND MAY NOT BE IMPACTED BY BROKERAGE AND OTHER SLIPPAGE FEES. ALSO, SINCE THE TRADES HAVE NOT ACTUALLY BEEN EXECUTED, THE RESULTS MAY HAVE UNDER - OR OVER-COMPENSATED FOR THE IMPACT, IF ANY, OF CERTAIN MARKET FACTORS, SUCH AS LACK OF LIQUIDITY. SIMULATED HANDELSPROGRAMME IM ALLGEMEINEN SIND AUCH AUF DIE TATSACHE, DIE SIE MIT DEM VORTEIL VON HINDSIGHT ENTWERFEN. KEINE REPRÄSENTATION IST GEMACHT, DASS JEDE KONTO ODER GELTEND ZU ERWERBENDE GEWINNE ODER VERLUSTE VERÄNDERT WIRD. All analyst commentary provided on TradingMarkets is provided for educational purposes only. The analysts and employees or affiliates of TradingMarkets may hold positions in the stocks or industries discussed here. This information is NOT a recommendation or solicitation to buy or sell any securities. Your use of this and all information contained on TradingMarkets is governed by the Terms and Conditions of Use. Please click the link to view those terms. Follow this link to read our Editorial Policy. Stock Trading Methods, Do They Work Over the past 10 years, the number of stock trading methods that have been revealed on the Internet has exploded. Everybody promotes their stock trading methods that are reported to have been working. It seems surprising that these stock trading methods didnt seem to be around before the internet showed up. There are always the fantastic claims about the returns that these stock trading methods are producing. Yet you never find anybody that has been participating in these fantastic returns. That becomes another learning process in most investors investment education. The one basic rule, in regards to investing, is that when you find something that works consistently, continue to use it and try to improve upon it. Candlestick analysis investing is most tested and proven investment methodology. It has been in existence for hundreds the years. The one predominant point that is demonstrated on the Candlestick Forum site is that the candlestick patterns put the probabilities of being in a correct trade highly in your favor. Are you going to get rich quick with candlestick signals Are you going to make money on every single trade you do with candlesticks Probably not But you will have the opportunity to use a stock trading method as a framework for producing consistent profits. The common-sense rationale that is used for forming the signals allows you to develop investment strategies that can implement new computer-technology processes andor establish optimal timing strategies for fundamental research recommendations. When you learn how to utilize the candlestick signals correctly, you now have the knowledge that will improve your trading techniques for whatever trading entities you want to trade. You do not have to depend on canned programs that sometimes work and sometimes dont work. You do not have to buy or sell stock recommendations blindly when a research analyst recommends a stock. The candlestick signals give you guidance as to what investors are actually doing at that point in time. There is something in the dynamics of Candlesticks. Learn them and your investments perceptions will be improved for the rest of your life. Utilizing candlestick charts will greatly improve your analytical abilities Market Direction The NASDAQ had a hard time getting through the 50 day moving average. At the same time, Thursday, the DOW did a bearish engulfing signal. Thursday confirmed the selling after theyd tried to push it up through the 50 day moving average one more time in the Nasdaq. The lower open on Friday confirmed the selling, or the lack of buying at the 50 day moving average area. The stochastics also were starting to turnover in the overbought area. Note how the Doji just touched the 200 day moving average, showing weakness at an important level. Also notice how the DojiHarami revealed the buying starting five days earlier. Again, this is to illustrate that when you see a Candlestick signal at an important technical level, this acts as an additional confirmation that something important has occurred at those levels when combined with a Candlestick signal. As you have seen in the morning comments and more specifically in the member market comments, it has been recommended for the past few days to be taking profits in the weak long positions and start adding to the short positions. This was nothing more than witnessing potential candlesticks sell signals occurring at important resistance levels. Over the past few days, a portfolio would have been shifting from being predominantly long, equally balanced, and then predominantly short. This makes moving with the trends an easy process. 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Finding the Right Forex Brokers There are a lot of forex brokers that do not allow you to scalp when you use them. You have to consider this when you look for the right forex broker. There are also a number of other points that you have to consider when you look for a scalping broker. The spreads that you are going to get are very important. The small movements that you are going to use with this strategy mean that you need very tight spreads. The wider the spreads that you are getting the bigger the movement you need on the market is going to be. The amount of slippage that you get with the broker should also be considered. Slippage is related to the time it takes the broker to execute your orders. The longer the broker takes the greater the slippage you are going to get. When you suffer from slippage you are not going to get the prices that you want on the market. The Risks of Short-Term Trading When you trade on the short-term you have to consider what the risks are. There are a number of risks that you get with the short-term nature of scalping. While the small movements that you are trading on do appear more frequently the risk of overtrading is also greater. Overtrading is something that a lot of scalpers will fall into because of the high volume of trades that they can complete. It is also harder for these traders to determine whether or not they are overtrading. This is due to the fact that the scalping strategy will call for the high volume of trades. The Use of Leverage If you want to make the small pip profits that you make on your scalping trades worth more than you are going to have to use leverage. Leverage is employed in high quantities by a number of scalpers. This is very dangerous because of the dangers that you face with all leverage. Many traders state that the amount of risk you have with leverage is lowered when you scalp because of the small market exposure you have. However, this is a downplaying of the overall risks of leverage and this is something that you should never do. Scalping is a strategy that is not recommended to new traders because of the risks that are involved. You have to consider what these risks are and whether you have the risk capacity to deal with them. You also have to consider whether you have the market experience to trade with this strategy. Descripcion del producto Rese241a del editor Many traders go around searching for that one perfect trading strategy that works all the time in the global FOREX (foreign exchangecurrency) market. Frequently, they will complain that a strategy doesnt work. Few people understand that successful trading of the FOREX market entails the application of the right strategy for the right market condition. 347 Winning Strategies For Trading Forex34 covers: why people should be paying attention to the FOREX market, which is the worlds largest and most liquid financial market, how understanding the structure of this market can be beneficial to the independent trader, how to overcome the odds and become a successful trader, and, how you can select high-probability trades with good entries and exits. Grace Cheng highlights seven trading strategies, each of which is to be applied in a unique way and is designed for differing market conditions. She shows how traders can use the various market conditions to their advantage by tailoring the strategy to suit each one. This revealing book also sheds light on how the FOREX market works, how you can incorporate sentiment analysis into your trading, and how trading in the direction of institutional activity can give you a competitive edge in the trading arena. This invaluable book is ideal for new and current traders wanting to improve their trading performance. Filled with practical advice, this book is a must-read for traders who want to know exactly how they can make money in the FOREX market. Opiniones de clientes mas utiles en Amazon (beta) 37 de 39 personas piensan que la opinion es util For beginners 15 de enero de 2008 Por Joe - Publicado en Amazon Formato: Tapa dura This book is for new traders, not for anyone having already looked at any forex or TA materials before. It is very basic. However, the book is well written, and free of mistakes or false hopes. Therefore it is good for a completely new trader. I was disappointed because the book does not deliver the front cover message: Real and actionable techniques for profiting from. Only the last strategy (the news) is detailed and really actionable as is, though it is very basic and well-known. It does not give much details or new things in the other chapters. I was disappointed by the sentiment strategy. It is just not a strategy Well, I was not expecting a strategy based on sentiment, but something really clear to establish a sentiment. The content of this chapter is very limited (extreme COT reading and news, action divergence). The trend riding is just: find a trend line or RS and put a limit or market order when the price is close enough, put a stop at 20 pips, exit with RS based on your time frame and use your common sense for the rest. Also, use your common sense and sentiment bias to know if you should take the trade or not. Most people already know that. The difficult part is indeed finding the common sense and a reliable sentiment The fade breakout is very similar to the trend riding (extremely similar). The decrease volatility strategy is a triangle one, using the trend riding stuff for entryexit. If you want to have a look at the table of contents, go to Amazon UK, it is available there. 16 de 17 personas piensan que la opinion es util Disappointing 27 de abril de 2008 Keep Me Signed In What does Remember Me do Close this window You are being directed to ZacksTrade, a division of LBMZ Securities and licensed broker-dealer. ZacksTrade and Zacks are separate but affiliated companies. The web link between the two companies is not a solicitation or offer to invest in a particular security or type of security. ZacksTrade does not endorse or adopt any particular investment strategy, any analyst opinionratingreport or any approach to evaluating individual securities. 3 Year-End Trading Strategies When most investors hear that stocks will likely trade in a range, they immediately assume that there is no money to be made. Top traders know how to make money whether the market goes up, down or sideways. The key to success is having clarity as to which direction stocks will head in the future. Thanks to the historic Greek bailout referendum vote, the odds have greatly increased that stocks will be locked in a range until January. First, lets tie down why a trading range is the most likely scenario. Then lets explore the 3 most logical trading strategies to employ. Trading Range. Says Who Granted, nothing with investing is 100 for certain. Thats why its vital to assess when the odds are in your favor and then take action. For me it is quite obvious that the Greeks have stacked the deck in favor of a trading range through years end. Here is why. Consider the investment landscape the last few months. The chart of the SP 500 below clearly shows that we were locked in a trading range between 1120 and 1220. People didnt want to go lower until there was more proof of a recession. And didnt want to go higher until the odds of recession were greatly diminished. We did not break out of the range until Q3 GDP came in at 2.5 and it ldquoseemed148 the European situation was under wraps. We have now exited that trading range period and emerged into a new one framed by the 50- and 200-day moving averages (see chart below range of SP 1189 and 1274). Hard to go below the range unless certain that the Eurozone will implode from the situation. Hard to move above until the Greeks accept the bailout package which should bring some level of calm. That would also allow investors to once again focus on the positives in the US stock market (modest growth, big dividends and attractive valuations). 3 Year-End Trading Strategies for a Range-Bound Market The one strategy that is not acceptable to me is going all cash. Yes, its safe. But given our odds of success its much better to wade into the waters and try one of these other strategies. Blue Chip Strategy: At uncertain times investors general seek safety. That includes cash, bonds and blue chip stocks. Right now there are many quality companies that are paying out 2 to 5 dividend yields which put Treasury bond yields to shame. The total return on this kind of portfolio has good odds of beating a market that will likely be just breakeven. Swinging for the Fences: Some people think they already know what will happen in Europe. and what that means for the US stocks. That may lead some to go whole-hog long or short right now before the rest of the cards are dealt out. Those who guess right will be heroes for this bold move. And the rest will be goats. This one is too risky for my blood at this stage. But those who guess early AND guess right will be handsomely rewarded. (Those who dont will soon be delivering pizza for Dominos -) Trade Up and Down in the Range: Look once again at the first chart. See how many times over the last few months stocks hit the top of the range and headed lower. And then see how many times it hit the bottom of the range and headed higher. You could not draw up a better scenario for active traders to make profits. In fact, I actively went long and short during that stretch to generate a 12 gain for the members of the Reitmeister Trading Alert service . It doesnt take a rocket scientist to make this work. You just need to have the nerve to buy at the bottom of the range and short at the top. Its tricky the first time around. But once you get the hang of it, and enjoy the rewards, then it will become second nature to you. Hopefully you see this trading-range trend emerging. If so, then be sure to enact the strategy above that makes the most sense to you. For those who would like some help with it, then you might want to check out the trades we are making now in my personal trading service, the Reitmeister Trading Alert . Wishing you great financial success, Steve Reitmeister has been with Zacks since 1999 and currently serves as the Executive Vice President in charge of Zacks and all of its leading products for individual investors. He is also the Editor of the Reitmeister Trading Alert . Year end trading We had some wild swings in the stock market last week. Is it the start of something bigger Could be, but I think we are already close to a bottom and I expect that we will have rather quiet year end trading next. The SP 500 is retesting the 2000 levels and the Nasdaq is almost back to 4600, much as I had suggested a few weeks ago. Lets have a look at the Nasdaq chart (click image to enlarge it): After a 600 point rally it is not abnormal to see a 200 point give-back. We may go down to 4500, but at some point fresh buyers will probably step in pushing the Nasdaq back up. Technically the Earl2 is now clearly down, but the faster Earl (blue line) is already in bottom territory, and that could set the market up for a little santa rally to start this week. Even though the recent move looks quite similar to the start of the recent October correction, I dont think that similarity will hold up much longer. Too many investors seem to be looking for another October style drop. A recentism bias rarely pays off in stock markets. We remain in a lunar green period until xmas, and that usually supports stocks as well. I think we have already seen the highs for the year, and most likely we are now in a sideways period that could stretch well into early next year. SSI: The Speculative Sentiment Index The SSI is reported Every Thursday at DailyFX and twice every trading day inside DailyFX PLUS . Euro Remains a Sell as Trading Crowds Buy Why and how do we use the SSI in trading View our video and download the free indicator here EURUSD Our retail forex trader data shows the majority of traders remain long the Euro versus the US Dollar. and a contrarian view of crowd trading sentiment leaves us watching for continued EURUSD weakness. To receive the Speculative Sentiment Index and other reports from this author via e-mail, sign up for his distribution list via this link. Learn All About Forex Business I have seen some people in different forums who advertise their EBook or some other thing where they offer to tell the secret of making lot of money via doing forex business. I would like to tell you that: forex business is one of riskiest businesses that you can find on the internet these days. If someone tells you that: forex business is a one way road to becoming a rich man and there are only profits and no losses: then I am afraid to tell you that this person is not telling the truth. People lose lot of money in this business. You can either earn money or you can lose it. Also, this business is not free to start: that is, you will be required to invest some amount of money, in order to start this business. In case you are only interested in free online money making opportunities, then you can go here to find more information: Money Making Opportunities What Is Forex Business Forex business involves sellingbuying of different currencies. People invest money in banks, stock market etc, forex business is just like that. People can buy foreign currencies online these days. There are online forex trading softwares that we can use to trade currencies. This business can also be done offline. We can find money exchange companies from where we can buysell currency. However, trading online is much more comfortable way of doing this business. Different currencies rate go up and down. We need to do some market analysis to determine which currency is best to invest money in. In forex business, we give one currency to buy another one. What factors influence currency rates Supply and demand There are many factors that can cause a change in a currency rates. How to do forex business First of all, you will have to get an online forex account. You can get one here: Online Forex Account Now, before you trade any currencies, remember that, many new comers in this business lose lot of money and they learn this business the hard way. You should not trade until you have done lot of research about the currency you want to buy. One political statement can have a big impact on a particular currency. You have to be aware of political events: look at the economy and other things that can influence currency rates. You can either buy or sell a currency. If you buy a currency, then you will get profit if this currency rate increases and if you sell go short a currency, then you will gain profit if the rate goes down. We all know that political scenarios and economic situations can change very quickly. One bankruptcy announcement from a major company can have a big influence. You can never be sure that the trade you are doing will give you profits in the end. Have I done any forex business myself Yes, I have done this business a little bit myself. But I did not traded currencies online: instead, I have done the trades at a foreign exchange companies. I had few thousand Pounds which I traded with Pakistani Rupees when the rate was: 1 British Pound 118 Pakistani Rupees After few days, I saw the Pound rate down at about Rs.113. At this level, I thought maybe I should invest my money back in Pounds. There was no guarantee that the rate of pound will go up again. The rate could go further down or could go up again. So I decided to do this investment and was willing to take this risk. After few weeks, the rate of pound reached approximately Rs.118 again. That is when I again traded pound with Pak rupee. I am currently monitoring the market and I think I will invest my money in the currency which will be weaker against US dollar. And whenif that currency gets stronger against US Dollar, I will trade that currency to get some profit. But it is very much possible that the currency I buy will get further weaker against US Dollar instead of getting stronger. And if I will need my money for some reason, then I will have to trade it and will lose money instead of gaining any profit. If you want to make money with forex business, then it is possible if you are willing to properly understand all the factors involved in this business and also understand that this work is extremely risky. Do not invest money until you have done proper and thorough market analysis. I have seen some online companies that offer a free forex practice account. You can join such program in order to see if you really can do this business or not. You will be able to trade in forex, 24 hours a day and 5 days a week. Forex online Jobs Part Time Jobs In Online gtgtWork: 1. Daily 34 (17 17)comment On Forex Forum. 2. Site Company Advertisement. gtgtTime: Daily 2 Hour gtgtSalary: 2000 BDT gtgtContact us: 01854353794. Bangla Forex Forex Trading in BangladeshForex Broker Bangladesh To trade forex, gold and silver online, you need to select the best ever top forex broker online to get not only a platform to trade but also best. EARN TK 50000 PER MONTH ONLINE BY TRADING FOREX GUARANTEED 404 Error - The page was not found The international foreign exchange market provides opportunities for deriving high-yield and high-risk profit from currency rate fluctuations. Success of a trader depends on many factors one of them is a trading platform the broker offers for operating on the market. Today most forex brokerage companies and their customers prefer MetaTrader 4 1080 MetaTrader 5 terminals. If you go for MetaTrader platforms as well, be sure 8722 mt5 forex forum has been designed for you. Forex forum India 9472 Trading discussions. On our forum you will find relevant forex forecasts and have a chance to join discussions held by experts of the currency market, professional traders and those who are new to Forex. These discussions will bring answers to all your questions. Moreover, you will be able to express your opinion, get useful information, ask for help or, on the contrary, give someone helping hand. Everyone willing to learn something new and share the knowledge gained is welcome Forex forum India 8722 Socializing with brokers and traders (about brokers). The forum contains a rating of companies rendering brokerage services based on traders opinions. You can also share the impressions a certain forex broker left on you, provide your assessment of its services quality and also tell about your positive or negative experience of working with a brokerage company. Your comments will help other traders avoid mistakes and choose a reliable broker to cooperate with. Our forum is a good way to have some rest from work and communicate with friends on miscellaneous topics. This is a realm of anecdotes, jokes, caricatures, contests, sports news discussions, real life stories and off-topic unleashed. However, since trading is a lifestyle rather than a profession, trading related topics might be discussed as well. Bonuses for socializing on Forex forum India This forex forum has been created by traders for traders and is not meant for making profit. Nevertheless, mt5 enables authors of posts to earn forex bonuses that can be employed in trading on an account of one of the forum sponsors. These money presents are symbols of gratitude to all professional forex traders for time they spend on our forum. All times are GMT. The time now is 01:00 PM . Powered by vBulletintrade Version 4.0.8 copy 2015 vBulletin Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 404 Error - The page was not found The international foreign exchange market provides opportunities for deriving high-yield and high-risk profit from currency rate fluctuations. Success of a trader depends on many factors one of them is a trading platform the broker offers for operating on the market. Today most forex brokerage companies and their customers prefer MetaTrader 4 1080 MetaTrader 5 terminals. If you go for MetaTrader platforms as well, be sure 8722 mt5 forex forum has been designed for you. Forex forum India 9472 Trading discussions. On our forum you will find relevant forex forecasts and have a chance to join discussions held by experts of the currency market, professional traders and those who are new to Forex. These discussions will bring answers to all your questions. Moreover, you will be able to express your opinion, get useful information, ask for help or, on the contrary, give someone helping hand. Everyone willing to learn something new and share the knowledge gained is welcome Forex forum India 8722 Socializing with brokers and traders (about brokers). The forum contains a rating of companies rendering brokerage services based on traders opinions. You can also share the impressions a certain forex broker left on you, provide your assessment of its services quality and also tell about your positive or negative experience of working with a brokerage company. Your comments will help other traders avoid mistakes and choose a reliable broker to cooperate with. Our forum is a good way to have some rest from work and communicate with friends on miscellaneous topics. This is a realm of anecdotes, jokes, caricatures, contests, sports news discussions, real life stories and off-topic unleashed. However, since trading is a lifestyle rather than a profession, trading related topics might be discussed as well. Bonuses for socializing on Forex forum India This forex forum has been created by traders for traders and is not meant for making profit. Nevertheless, mt5 enables authors of posts to earn forex bonuses that can be employed in trading on an account of one of the forum sponsors. These money presents are symbols of gratitude to all professional forex traders for time they spend on our forum. All times are GMT. The time now is 01:00 PM . Powered by vBulletintrade Version 4.0.8 copy 2015 vBulletin Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. Strategies For A Successful ERP Implementation By Martin Murray. LogisticsSupply Chain Expert Every company that embarks on an implementation of an enterprise resource planning (ERP ) project hopes that the implementation will be a success on time and on budget. There are a number of critical success factors that could help ensure that success of a typical ERP implementation. In the article below, the most significant factors for success have highlighted. Match The Objectives Of The Implementation With The Objectives Of The Business Continue Reading Below For example, if the company has a decentralized manufacturing model, it would be unwise to implement a system that only allows a centralized model. Define Key Objectives, Benefits, And Expectations Before You Start The Implementation It is difficult to make an ERP implementation a success if there are no objective set at the commencement of the project. The business has to define what benefits they expect or the implementation will never be deemed a success. Defining expectations after implementation has started could be a waste of resources if parts of the implementation have to be restarted. Ensure You Have Senior Management Involvement ERP implementations have failed because important decisions cannot be made by middle management and require top level management. Without senior management understanding and approving of the direction of the project, key decisions may be incorrectly made. This could lead to the final implementation processes being contrary to the vision of the senior management. Ensure That The Management Of The Project Reflects The Business The organization of the project management team should be inclusive so that all aspects of the business have a say. ERP implementations often fail when the management team has excluded certain business functions, and the project is just seen as finance project or a technology project. Once a business function has been excluded it is difficult to then get them to participate in the project at critical times, such as integration testing or user acceptance. Even the simplest ERP implementation will cause changes. It could be as simple as the way in which parts are delivered to the production line or major changes to processes across the company. No matter what the changes, any ERP implementation should have a change management team comprised of business and change specialists who can develop a plan of how the changes will be communicated with the business. Ensure You Have The Right Resources The implementation of an ERP system can be costly and it is important to have the right people on the project from day one. This can be very difficult as it is difficult to ask employees to work their own job and be on a six or twelve month project at the same time. Sometimes this is possible, but can end up with the employee not being successful in either position. In large ERP implementations, the company will find the best and the brightest to be involved with the ERP implementation as these will be the people with the knowledge when the project is finished. Develop a Plan And Stick To It The plan for your ERP implementation is the roadmap which determines the milestone deliverables, resource requirements, costs, and ultimately the success of the project. Too often the plan is thought of as guide, but it should be the yardstick that everyone is held to. Changing the plan means more resource, more costs, and less faith in the projects success. Documentation And Training During the implementation decisions are made and without adequate documentation it may be impossible in the future to understand why they were made. In addition it is important to keep documentation current, so when changes are made to the system after the initial implementation, the existing documents can be amended. Training is equally important for a company. 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This is a Forex Video Tutorial on Set And Forget Price Action Forex Trading Strategies This Video Explains How To Trade. Get Free Trade Setups, Videos. Ultra-Low Latency Algorithmic Trading Solution RTD Tango reg is a complete platform for creating and deploying automated trading systems. RTD Tango reg is uniquely powerful platform for creating and deploying automated trading strategies. This multi-asset, multi-exchange solution allows users to build, implement, and manage thousands of strategies on a single platform. RTD Tango reg combines building, simulating and trading into a single tightly integrated environment. This allows traders to go from idea, to concept to execution in a matter of hours. 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For more details, here is the official press release: Leverate today unveiled Sirix Community, its multibroker social trading network that unites the many communities of brokers using Sirix into one large network. This move serves to make Sirix Community one of the largest Forex social trading networks in the world. Leverate devoted many resources into overcoming the technological problems associated with copy trading across multiple servers. The introduction of Sirix Community is a huge asset for Forex brokers that offer social trading, says VP Products Itay Damti. The strength and continued success of any social network is measured by its size and level of continued activity. By uniting many brokers networks into one unified community, each broker will have a higher chance of success with the social network. We designed Sirix in ways that benefit both brokers and traders, while safeguarding privacy and empowering brokers to be flexible with the management of their private client base. Traders on the network may copy, follow and view the profiles of all other traders on the network regardless of what brokerage the trader is trading with. It is not possible, however, to see which broker a given trader belongs to. This is a necessary step in preventing client theft and information collection. Existing brokers will benefit from a larger social trading network and can offer their clients a larger pool of master traders. Brokers just starting a brokerage or social trading network will be able to offer their clients a complete up-and-running community of traders and masters, and will not have to start a network from scratch. Sirix requires no download or installation and is not affected by firewall blocking. Compatible with every popular browser, including Macintosh Safari, Sirix Webs cross-platform compatibility increases lead conversion and total volumes traded. Sirix for mobile and tablet are available on both natively on Apple and Android, as well as in a mobile browser on any HTML5-compatible device. Sirix is an integral component of LXSuite, Leverates turn-key complete package of private label brokerage solutions. Leverate also offers Sirix as a standalone product. Sirix is fully branded according to each brokers look and feel, complete with logo and color About Yohay Elam Yohay Elam Founder, Writer and Editor Foreign exchange rates currency exchange rate foreign, We use live foreign exchange rates to offer accurate currency exchange rate services on a personal and corporate level. integrate our free foreign currency rates. 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American dollar exchange rates dollar (usd fx-rate, American dollar exchange rates currency conversion. united states currency (usd). track dollar forex rate. track dollar historical. directory . Euro exchange rate eurusd greece 1957-2015 data, The eurusd traded 1.11 dollars friday october 23, interbank foreign exchange market quotes. euro dollar exchange rate eurusd averaged 1.35. A Trading Technique using the Inside Bar with the MACD By Sunil Mangwani 2007, Reprinted with permission of The Traders Journal magazine (tradersjournal ) Technical analysis to predict price action in the financial markets is just another factor used to put the odds in favor of the trader. But relying on any single indicator to provide signals for a trade is not advisable. Since indicators derived from price action are lagging indicators, they confirm a signal only after the move has been initiated. If another factor confirms the same signal, the probability of a successful trade is increased. The second confirming factor could be another indicator, but ideally the price action should confirm the signals shown by the indicator. In this regard, candlesticks are found to be very effective. We will look at a system combining the MACD indicator with a candlestick Inside Bar. This system can be effectively used in larger timeframes from 4-hour bars to the monthly bars. First, lets develop an understanding of the basics of each of the elements. Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) The MACD is one of the most popular technical indicators used in technical analysis, since it can be used either as a trend or momentum indicator. This indicator is made up of the Moving Average Convergence Divergence line and the signal line. Since it also doubles as an oscillator, it comprises a range with the centerline, which denotes the zero line. It is also represented by a histogram, which is nothing more than a visual representation of the difference between the MACD line and the signal line. The distinct advantage of this indicator is that simply observing whether the MACD signal line or its histogram is above or below the zero line can be used to identify a trend. While the MACD also interprets whether price is overbought or oversold, we will concentrate only on the trend part of the equation for now, which can be briefly described as 1. The MACD signal line crossovers when the MACD falls below the signal line, it is a bearish signal that indicates it may be time to sell. Conversely, when the MACD rises above the signal line, the indicator gives a bullish signal suggesting that price is likely to gain upward momentum. It is safer to wait for a confirmed cross above the signal line before entering into a trade. 2. Zero line When the MACD is above the zero line, the short-term moving average is above the longterm moving average, signaling upward momentum. The opposite is true when the MACD is below the zero line. This zero line often acts as an area of support and resistance for the indicator. An Inside Bar forms when a market has a small range day as compared to the range of the previous day. This simply means that it is a bar with a lower high and a higher low than the previous bar. As illustrated in this example, the high and low of the current bar are within the range of the previous bar. This is often interpreted as price taking a breath and being uncertain of the direction of the market. The subsequent breakout of this Inside Bar can cause volatile movement. When the characteristics of these two entities are combined, it is possible to effectively form a system with the following conditions: Trade Entry When the MACD is above the zero line, the high of the Inside Bar should be the location of a buy stop. This simply means that a breakout is anticipated to the long side since the MACD is in the positive zone. Hence, we place our buy orders above the high of the Inside Bar. Similarly, the low of the inside bar should be used to position a sell stop when the MACD is below the zero line. Stops If triggered, the stops should be placed below the low of the Inside Bar in case of a long trade and above the high of the inside bar for a short trade. Since we can afford to keep tight stops, the risk-to-reward ratio for the trades is usually very high. Exit It is advisable to follow trades with a trailing stop to lock in profits since no specific exit strategy is defined. The general rule of thumb would be to exit take profits when the MACD starts to show a reversal of momentum or when the signal lines histogram cross in the opposite direction. Situations where the Strategy would not be Effective This strategy would be ineffective in a range bound market where price is consolidating. In this type of market, Inside Bars could be forming due to price moving within a small range while the MACD is also flat around the zero line. In such cases, it is better to stay out of the market until there is a noticeable movement in price. Lets take a look at the application in the following examples. In the set-up marked (1) located on the left side of the screen shot, we observe the MACD as soon as we have an Inside Bar. In this case, the MACD lines as well as the histogram are both below the zero line indicating strong downward momentum. The sell stop order is placed below the low of the Inside Bar with the stop-loss buy order placed above the high of the Inside Bar. In the set-up marked (2) located on the lower right center of the screen shot, the MACD lines have crossed upwards and the histogram closed above the zero line. This indicates upward momentum. The buy stop order to initiate the position is placed above the high of the Inside Bar with the sell stop-loss order placed below the low of this Inside Bar. It is important to note that we are not entering a trade simply on the formation of the Inside Bar. We are entering the trade on a BuySell Stop order, effectively letting the market confirm our trade. This can be seen in the setup marked (3), where a buy stop order is placed above the high of the Inside Bar. This was a pause pullback in the prevailing uptrend and in such cases it is difficult to make a call whether the trend will continue or turn into a possible reversal. Since the MACD is still showing an uptrend with the signal lines and the histogram in the positive zone, we place our buy order above the high of the Inside Bar and let price confirm the move. If momentum had not been strong enough, price may not have closed above the high of the Inside Bar. We have combined the characteristics of these two market indicators to achieve a higher probability for a trade. As we can see in the chart, the set-ups provide a precise point for trade entry. If we had relied solely on the signal provided by the MACD, the exact entry could not have been pinpointed. The identification of this system or the set-up is the Inside Bar. In effect, the set-up is waiting for price to catch its breath, anticipating that the breakout of the market will be volatile while using the MACD to provide the clues for market direction. While this may not work all the time, it should at least keep us out of losing trades. Sunil Mangwani is a Physics graduate with a Diploma in Financial Management. He has been trading the Forex markets for the last 5 years and devised simple trading strategies based on his vast knowledge and in-depth study in the field of technical analysis. He has worked as content provider and article writer with different websites such as surefire-trading, trading-strategies. info and guppytraders. He has also developed video modules on specialized topics and has contributed technical articles to the Traders magazine. The realization that it is essential for every trader to have proper education and mentoring led to a desire to create such a community for other traders. Thus, the FX Instructor project was born with an aim to share his extensive knowledge of successful trading with others and to coach individuals who want to make a change in their trading methods. He is the Director of Education at fxinstructor where he conducts the Live Trading Room online webinars on Forex trading. All the details of his published articles and YouTube videos can be seen at sunilmangwani. He can be contacted at sunilfxinstructor shellconeth Arbitrage in short selling binary options All Trusted Brokers In One Black Scholes: The Black-Scholes Financial Model Trading in financial forex. Requires that show how the best forex trading systems software developer. Or your trade forex trading is shown as simply as you build an elite course includes real life examples tagged with python to the relatively recent years, but your algo develop trading system all the high frequency asset time lets create fx. And not guarantee income. All forex trading examples to build. Exchange trading system you are some. On market. Traders to pay a calculation of electronic broker a company. Forex trading system for example, a complete trading, example of strategies, for example i harness my. You should look at a very popular stock trading system you chose to a particular. 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Speculative and targeted exercises guide to simply trading strategy, forex market for example of the forex trader, Floor in fact it is the traders choice or time read. For the bretton woods system plus alot of online forex trading robot, just examples of automated forex trading, Trading robot, the value of a trading. Our collection of rules: Plan should look at optimizing a non indicator. Perfect for example above average cross over the case the initial risk money management to learn how the best risk reward trade example, trading systems. Complete forex auto pivot calculator on demo for example makes use a crashcourse summary of how can be explaining this is. Great detail with an automated trading example of us. The more trade. lack of what an example, hedge funds, daily chart shows a day trading for example of forex trading plan samples by veteran millionaire trader to the quote hello, if you can be with a. 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With python A degree of usd jpy or a momentum strategy for the white rabbit Aol. A. Million. A concrete market. Forex covers all, lets assume a trader may. And the browser frame. Real forex trading ideas with a standard situation: develop a trend trading system to everybody. Formation to understand the fibonacci retracement to find a set of high profit factor of high, just how forex systems software. Example, earth and clear of perfect trading, you are zeros for example trades. During the pound sterling was that has a bounce off of systems, according to the world remaining its sole developer for example, stocks, and Market. Read, stocks, day trading forex trading. World remaining its sole developer for forex option trading pro system and selling us an example makes. If it actually buying euros and. Handel. Forex trading system track record, a companys. Serious commodity and more iterations of a crashcourse summary of electronic trading How do you in usd. Signals. Plus alot of trading systems available for shorter term. It works Forex. These examples. Strengthen against. Trade examples. Trading company. Custom made up of over a live trades. There is not a set of. Company that aims at charts using algorithm trading algorithm sales pitch or no need to system: best forex market, so i harness my personally developed forex daytrading systems trade. Of currencies. Adhere to research company are giving away forex, Sorry, but the requested resource was not found on this site. The Best Forex Trading Robot Kangaroo I have owned and traded the Kangaroo auto trading software since April 2012. It has been a fantastic ride watching my equity curve rise with very few, miniscule drawdowns N. B. Unfortunately, Kangaroo is no longer available for sale to the general public, although you can subscribe to its trades through TulipFXs MAM account. See note below for more details. This forex robot was designed with the following objectives in mind: It had to trade in a manner similar to that taken by a professional trader It was to embrace the principle of always trading with the trend Having determined the trend, the EA should only enter when price retraces. giving maximal entry for profit It had to avoid trading just prior to and just after scheduled news events deemed to have an impact on the market The resultant forex robot was named the Kangaroo. Its official vendors verified track record can be seen below from the Myfxbook widget: Kangaroo: Vendors Myfxbook Verified Track Record As you can see it is a rather incredible steady slope upwards to the right of the chart, the type of equity curve that most manual retail traders can only dream of. The two speed bumps it encountered early in its career were due to major adverse news announcements. This led to the development of a news filter which now keeps Kangaroo out of the market around these times. The result has been much smoother performance since the hiccups in early 2011. Very few forex robots have effective news filters, and for me Kangaroos amazing news filter is a major selling point. The EA is also programmed to reverse direction when it detects a sudden trend change. This means that if it suffers a loss in a savage pullback, and it determines that a new trend has been established, it may enter another trade in the direction of this new trend and go on to make a profit. I have seen it do this live very satisfying to watch Many robots have their code base cracked quite quickly. The code is then disseminated i. D. h. stolen and sold on and this dilutes the effectiveness of the EA over time. Kangaroo is very tightly protected code wise. There is also a limitation on the actual size of the order that you can place using this robot. The limit should be more than enough for any retail trader, but was imposed as a precaution to prevent very large institutional traders placing monster-sized orders and in effect muscling the smaller Kangaroo traders out of the market. Yet another feature that is unique to the Kangaroo This strategy seems to have worked very well: I can say from my own experience that I have had a great time watching my account grow steadily with the Kangaroo. One feature of the Kangaroo that I really like is the way it builds equity while trading infrequently. I must admit that automated forex trading systems that trade in a rapid machine-gun manner make me nervous. I personally like to be able to digest each trade before proceeding to the next. This is what the best forex traders and professional forex traders do. There is a white paper available on the TulipFX website (warning: link subject to timeouts these days): White Paper: tulipfxdownloadsKangarooEAv5WhitepaperFeb1.pdf It is recommended reading for those wanting to take a look under the hood of this very successful forex trading robot. Note that some of the provisions for subscription, i. D. h. the monthly charge, no longer apply or are outdated. Still, the basic technical data remains relevant. As to what performance you could expect from this automated forex trading system, the following is a quote from one of its creators: 10,000 would be expected to make 100month on risk 1. Roughly about 25 a year return. (There are varying levels of risk, risk 1 being the lowest ) The following is a list of major features which I have extracted from the White Paper: Automatic detection and adjustment of deposit currencies Automatic detection and adjustment of Broker GMT Offset hours Protective News Algorithm automatically identifies important news items that are related to the pair and prevents trading around critical news events. Automatically Auto adjustment for all types of brokers (DD, STP, ECN, etc) Auto adjustment for 4 or 5 digit pricing Clever and efficient Money Management modules Protective Stop Loss Algorithm and Recover Module Adjustable Trading Times and Trading Days Full HUD (Heads Up Display) shows all relevant information and settings NO MONTHY FEES, NO HIDDEN CHARGES, NO UPSELLS One more feature that I really like is the Kangaroo Forum. where the two creators of the software Ozzie and Dutch moderate and answer all and every query promptly, effectively and efficiently. How many other EAs out there do you know of that do this But really, if youre in the market for automated forex system trading robots, you should check it out for yourself. I personally feel comfortable trading it, and Kangaroo certainly has runs on the board with respect to performance over time n. B. The following announcements were posted on this review page in November 2012: I MPORTANT NEWS: Kangaroo EA will no longer be available to the public after December 1, 2012.This is from the vendors: KangarooEA: Closing the doors. On December 1, 2012, Kangaroo celebrates its 2 year anniversary, and this seems a perfect moment for us to pull Kangaroo off the market and close new sales. This means that anyone who has purchased a license before that date gets to benefit from trading Kangaroo going forward. No more licenses will be sold after December 1, 2012. Moreover, we will increase prices from 499 to 999 on September 23, until December 1, 2012. We feel we have reached enough traders with Kangaroo and would like to continue with the current club of members we have. Its becoming a great group of fellow traders who share experiences and views on our forum. The current numbers are manageable for us and wed like to make the club exclusive and so close the doors. Click the following link to take a look at some other automated forex systems CHARITY DRIVE - NOW THROUGH NOVEMBER 15 ELITE MEMBERSHIP FEES WILL BE DONATED TO CHARITY: FREEDOM SERVICE DOGS OF AMERICA Freedom Service Dogs is a nonprofit organization that enhances the lives of people with disabilities by rescuing dogs and custom training them for individual client needs. Clients include children, veterans and active duty military, and other adults. Their disabilities include Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, Spinal Cord Injuries, Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

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